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  The leader, Luis, had said that every hour they would have to meet back in the cafeteria to be counted, and if a person was missing, 5 kids would be shot and so forth. Emma prayed nobody would disobey this rule.

  They broke people off into rooms, for now Emma had been lucky enough to be stuck with her friends and two other boys that seemed nice enough. She would have smiled at them, or at least said hi, but she couldn't shake the feeling of what Luis had said. She shivered and sat on the bed.

  "Hey you're that kid they call Yogurt right?" Emma looked up at the sound of the strange nickname. "I'm Derek, that's Ted and Yes, this is our room." "Not anymore."

  Billy plopped down next to Emma. "Hey you okay?" "Yes, peachy. It's not like a group of Mexican Terrorists just attacked the school or nothing." "Well I see that in times of destruction you still have that sense of humour." "It's apart of me Tepper, just like your cockiness is apart of you." "There it is again."

  In all honesty Emma was terrified. Not only for herself and her friends but for her father. She hadn't seen him since this morning and she hoped to anyone that would listen that he was okay.

  There was a knock at the door a few minutes later. "Answer it." "Why me?!" "Because you're closet to the door snuffy!" "Well that doesn't seem to fair." The knock was louder the second time. "I'll answer it!" Emma got up and hesitantly walked to the door. As she opened it all the colour in her face had drained.

  Her father was there, along with the headmaster and a guard. His gun was place to the left side of his thigh and Emma had to force herself to not look at it.

  "What's- what's going on?" She asked as she grabbed the doorknob tightly. "They are letting you go." Emma's eyes widened. The boys didn't say anything, they just stood in a line behind Emily. "What?"

  "Get your things Em. We have to go now." Her father walked in through the doorway, going over towards her stuff. "But what about my friends?"

  "Honey, they are only letting you go because you don't actually go to this school. Now please pack your things."

  "Dad, c'mon what, what about my friends." She looked at her dad then over to Billy.

  "You have to go Emma." Ricardo took 3 long strides over towards her dad and picked up a bag. "Yea Em, you gotta go."

  "No! I can't!" Tears had built in her eyes. She kept looking back and forth between her dad, her friends, and the headmaster with the guard behind him.

  "Emma," Joey walked over to her and took her hand in his. "You have to go." The way he said it made Emma feel like she couldn't breath. She couldn't leave her friends. It was too dangerous for them. What if something happened to Billy, or Hank, or Joey, or-

  Joey had let go of her hand. "Go."

  A few tears escaped her eyes as she put her bag over her shoulders. With a few hugs to 3 of the boys she stood silent. She even decided to hug Ted and Yogurt. They blushed. But then she reached Billy and Joey and her heart began to break.

  "Wait, no I can't go, I can't leave you guys," Billy was the first to wrap his arms around her. "It's going to be okay Em." By this time tears had just streamed down her cheeks. She couldn't stop them.

  "Be careful." She whispered into joeys neck as his arms went around her.

    "Well you know me Miss Reid, careful is My middle name." "Whatever you say Trotta."

  Without another word she left the room. She prayed to every god that she knew that they would be okay, that everyone would be okay.

  Oh god, please be okay.
I know it's not as long as it could be but I just wanted to make sure that you could all tell how Emma was feeling in this situation.
Don't worry next chapter will be longer and soon the actual good stuff is going to happen
Kenn :)

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