Can't Sleep

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Chapter 6

When every region's representatives got their instructions, plan and weapons they decide to get a tour of the Calastia.

After the tour Cheren and Bianca showed them their rooms where they all are going stay while this whole mission. Rooms are given according to the regions:

1. Team Kanto - One Room
2. Team Jhoto - One Room
3. Team Hoenn - One Room
4. Team Sinnoh - One Room
5. Team Unova - One Room
6. Team Kalos - One Room
7. Secret Agency [Sabertooth] - Basement [Planning Room]

Every Region were also provide a separate Training room.

Region: Fiore * City: Crimson Lotus * Place: Royal Castle Calastia
Date: 15th June
Time: 11:30PM

Scene: Team Kanto's Room

After taking a tour of the royal castle and having the dinner with their new friends Team Kanto is in their new room, speaking of which in their room they got 4 bunks, so no dirty thoughts. Ash has his bunk in the upper left side of the room, Misty has her bunk in the upper right side of the room, Blue has her bunk in the lower right side of the room and Green has his bunk in the lower left side of the room.

Misty, Blue and Ash were chattering about how Gold didn't have any table manner. "Yeah, didn't you notice how gold was eating? Man! That was hilarious! It was like he hadn't eaten in years." Ash said in between of his laughter. "You don't say, Ash! You're worse than Gold in table manners." Misty continued while sighing. "You, Gold and May were eating like giants but at least May has some table manners." Ash pouted and popped a 'p' out of his mouth, still lying on his upper left bunk. Misty smirked at her victory, Blue giggled.

"Well.......... Everyone has their own style. We shouldn't be judging." "Blue!? On whose side you're actually are, huh?" Misty complained her teammate who was giving her an apologetic smile. Ash smirked evilly. "At your face, Misty!" Misty groaned.

In a minute team Kanto's room's upper bunk area has become a War Zone! Misty and Ash were bickering like crazy, after all of this Green managed to sleep!

When this freakin' bickering was going on Blue was getting bored, Blue was just watching the idiots bicker because she can't do anything else then that. Her two partners were busy doing some bicker----wait! Is Blue forgetting about something? ............Right! Green Oak, the genius! And now-a-days Blue's favourite victim to annoy.

The moment Blue remembered about that she also has another teammate and that person is the one she would love to spend time with. Blue quickly turned her gaze from the war zone to Green's bunk but couldn't see a thing because the light crystals were turned off. Blue quickly stood on her feet and walked over to Green's bunk. What Blue saw was PRICELESS.

Blue saw Green sleeping peacefully in his bunk, 'His face is so peaceful when he sleeps! Just like a baby.' Blue thought to herself, smiling she leaned over to Green, closer to Green, closer, closer and closer until Blue was inches away from Green's face. Blue leaned over to Green's ear and open her mouth to speak but instead of murmuring some melodious word---"Green Oak WAKE UP!! You COCKY, ARROGANT JERK!"---Blue shouted in his ear.

Green's eyes snapped open and he jerked up in shock, panicked and accidentally bumped to Blue as a result making her fall on the floor. "What the hell!" Green shouted, searching for the source which made HIM wake up until his eyes landed on a certain brunette's figure who was laying on the floor now because (of him) of some reason.

Green glared at her, totally pissed instead of scared, Blue grinned evilly. "Why the hell did you do that?!" Green whisper yelled since it is late in night. "You see........" Blue behaved rather shy which made Green calm a bit but he narrowed his one eyebrow in confusion. "I was bored." Blue stuck her tongue out after her stupid sentence; Green fell off of the bunk at that. After composing himself Green groaned at first then sighed, he just muttered a 'whatever' in reply and didn't shout.

Green can't shout at her! Shouting at females was the last thing he wanted do, it was against his principles. Yeah, he had shouted at her before but that was different he was tense those times. He can't do a thing if she come and starts to poke him non-stop when he is thinking something important.

"WHAT!! I expected some kind of yelling or at least an annoyed comment!" Blue pouted.




"YOU JUST WOKE ME UP TO SEE ME ANNOYED!!!" Green yelled, he could not take this anymore. This girl is unbelievable. Blue pumped her fist in the air, happy with her victory and headed to go back to sleep.

Green was staring at her blankly and was thinking just one thing 'This girl can make me do those things that the others can't.' She made Green YELL! AGAIN! And this situation wasn't even tense for crying out loud.

Green saw Blue lay down to sleep, so Green decided to do the same with her (PAYBACK)...... But when Green reached her, he was able to do only one thing: Smile. Blue was sleeping and look so.......... Silent, peaceful and beautiful. Green never seen her so silent or so peaceful before and yet it was like he was looking at her for years. Green decides to not disturb the angel (DEVIL) and go back to sleep. With a smile on his face Green tried to sleep.

And when this cute moment was going on ASH and MISTY has seen the whole damn scene! And has totally forgotten about their previous fight. "THEY BOTH LOVE EACH OTHER!" Ash and Misty squealed. Blue's and Green's eyes snapped open. "WE DON'T!" both said in unison.

Ash and Misty decided to leave the 'love birds' alone and headed back to sleep. Green stared at Blue Blankly. Blue stared back annoyed, her eyes questioning him 'What?'. "YOU WERE AWAKE THIS WHOLE TIME?!" Green yelled, his pride shattered because just by a girl's beauty he failed to take his payback. Blue just mimicked Paul's grunt and headed back to sleep. After a while Green did the same.

AN: I quick update for you guys! How's is it made? Be sure to comment.

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See ya!

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