Misery I

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Coexistence. A word that the world was defined as. Heaven on land and hell in the pits of abyss, nature and culture alike- accepted by all kinds. Peace and harmony, loved by all and hated by none.

Earth. A place where god's most valuable creations resided along side god's most hopeless yet beloved creation.

Humans and angels.

And many more.

The coexistence of both occurred due to an angel falling in love with a human. A love so passionate and pure that no force could deny it's existence and put a halt to its union. The world celebrated the love and the new formation of the bond with all its might. Little did they know, there was a horrifying road ahead of them.

The couple lived happily for years, as the time passed by the husband aged, unable to impregnate his wife, the angel. An angel's physic was far different than a mere human's. God created angels to spread prosperity and hope amongst the hopeless beings he made. He thought, "A being as miserable as them would never reach the peak of peace and happiness, forever dawdling in its own made up worries and delusions. You, who are unable to live in the lonesome of universe shall be granted the blessing of aid." Thus, angels were born. Born to spread happiness and positivity in the way of its paths. They are a bundle of positive energy manifested as souls. A soul which was its own body, no sheet of flesh to protect it. It feels as deep as no one, love as passionately as no one.

God's most valued creation was made only to maintain peace amongst humans. He did not intend to have them mate with the humans.

As age was slowly catching up to the human, he realized that he would soon have no longer left to live, he would be leaving his partner all alone in thi world. Which made him yearn for a child even more, he won't be dying to wait in heavens for his wife. He was aware that angels don't die. They were never alive in a human body to begin with, he realized that he would've reincarnated in different forms several times but his partner would still be living the same life. In agony of losing him, in sorrow of not being able to see him again. From a being that spreads positivity and virtue, she would become a being consumed with endless sorrow.

He only wished to lessen that pain.

Though angels were god's most valued creation but regardless of that, they didn't communicate with him. Only a few blessed had that power. Amongst the humans there was a Young man who was called the divine messenger. The divine messenger was said to have lived the longest amongst all the humans, it was as if he was immortal. The messenger was a man with a cool head, calm and mature nature, he wasn't much of a socializing person. His never ending life brought him the distrust of many, thus he set himself on a never ending journey. He would travel, live peacefully in his travels until his soul leaves his body. He was called the divine messenger for a reason. He claimed that he could hear the voice of all knowing. He would advice someone or do something that held no merit to him, he would say "The mighty wanted this." Or "The all knowing wished for this."

The messenger had the purest- the most holy magic amongst all the humans. Though he was said to have lived severals of centuries, he never yeild to the delusion of immortality, he just lived because he didn't die yet. If death were to approach him, he would embrace it like it was his own mother.

Sadly so, he was hated by many. No king or divine creature was approached by the god. He wasn't accepted, he should've been miserable but he didn't took up the obligation to resent them. He understood that it was human nature, to have superiority amongst their own kind, to be jealous of something which was not theirs.

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