Misery II

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Hair up in a slightly messy bun, she yawned while stretching herself in a shape of x and c. She sighed as she looked at the time, "2:46 am" and her roommate was no where to be found. Dawn had no clue of where Paul was and when he would be back. After finding out that he had taken the risk of investigating about the king alone with Green, she had expected him to ask her about her past- or at least something. But he didn't, they didn't had the opportunity of talking the whole day as everyone was either busy discussing about Ray, Silver or Blue. No one bothered to initiate a questioning with her or rather- they were avoiding the topic. She felt awkward but she couldn't blame the others, the situation had them vary of everything-- even their own friends. In all honesty, she had expected nothing from everyone but Paul? Her heart told her that this man won't be like others. Sure he was mysterious and hard to read but she had faith that he wouldn't doubt her or- she didn't know. It was like the hands of fate were wrapped around her throat and choking her to tears.

She knows that her past was going to come to light sooner or later, she thought she wouldn't care how the world viewed her. Its was just how she was, even when she was hurt she would still smile and give her best. Cheerful Dawn whom everyone loved and liked getting along with?

"What a joke."

She thought to herself that she was always too trusting towards her surrounding, she always told herself to not do it but ended up doing the exact same anyway. And here she was again, trusting Paul when he was basically avoiding her. She was honest everyone around but in the end, she felt miserable.

Just when was it that she started getting pulled in towards Paul? He was always rude to her, he was always rude to everyone. She could still recall how she was told to do a collaborated mission with him for the first time. She almost giggled at the memory of her hating the very thought of working with Paul. She had seen Paul working with other people and the feed backs were never in his favor. But during the mission she realized that every action Paul took had a reason. He treated their time with silence and gave short yet harsh replies but that made Dawn realize something important. Paul had no filters. He stayed alone because he liked it, he never spoke much to his mission partners but he never told them to not talk to him either, he never said he didn't like them unless they'd cross the line first. His words must've been harsh but it was just him being himself, blunt and speaking with zero filters. Truth is not always sugarcoated.

Clutching on the doorknob Dawn finally twisted it open. A slight breeze of the freezing night hit her skin gently. When she opened the door she was met with something unexpected but she wasn't surprised. Paul was standing infront of the corridor railing, leaning his one hand on it and scrolling through the information lacrima. Information lacrima was a device which had the ability to form a box size screen in the air and let you search your desired information. The lacrima was made specially for people in the field of wizardry or similar to them. The lacrima also had a class system, only people of certain class were allowed to access certain information. Dawn stood there and realized Paul hadn't noticed her- or he was pretending. Regardless he seemed to be struggling in operating the lacrima. Dawn almost found it cute how his brows furrowed together in concerntration, how he would click his tongue each time he was denied access. But then it hit her.

Not now. Im still mad at him.

Tilting her head to her side and swifting her weight from one leg to the other, she cleared her throat out loud to get Paul's attention. Paul had expected her to retreat and go back in the room but instead, there she was standing with a visibly annoyed expression on her face and her hands crossed across her chest. It was as if she was two steps away from blowing off his ears.

"Why are you still awake?"

Paul spoke first, in an obvious nonchalant tone. Of course, Paul was not the type to let others know of how much he was taken aback.

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