Never let go of me

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Chapter 12

Region: Fiore * City: Crimson Lotus * Place: Calastia
Date: 16th June
Time: 2 AM

Scene: Team Kalos

"Serena? Are you still up?" The geek asked in a low voice, he was looking at the sealing above him, not averting his spectacle eyes from it.

"Yeah....." The honey blonde haired girl said lamely. Unlike Clemont, Serena was lying on her stomach, her face in her pillow which made her voice sound a little muffle.

"Why so? I thought you were super excited about this mission and wanted to be at your full strength." Clemont asked the stupid question while shifting his body's position to look at Serena but she didn't move a muscle, just a single sound came from her direction which Clemont assumed was a sigh.

After getting totally crept out by Clemont's constant staring at her, Serena finally replied while turning her head to look at him. "Yeah-Yeah.... I was excited and damn confident but...."

" 'But' what?" Clemont pressed on.

"-But..... IT'S GETTING ON MY NERVE!" She blurted out and puffed her cheeks out.

"In other words you are Nervous. Right?" Clemont let out a smug smile which he don't do every now and then.

"Laugh all you want! My days of laughing at you will come soon." Serena puffed her cheeks even more which made it red eventually. Clemont just chuckled at that and finally let go of the sad smile which he was holding onto for a while now. And with Clemont looking away and murmured. "So this is all you are worried about...."

This goes unnoticed by Serena because she was way too busy pouting.

And when there were no teasing comments coming from Clemont, Serena picked onto something she should have long ago.
"Wait Wait Wait!" Serena called out for him from her bunk and got just an 'hm' in reply.

"I can understand me being up this late because I'm nervous but what about you?"

With sweat dripping off of his forehead he replied "I-I don't know what are you talking about?"

Serena sat on her bunk, tapping her foot on the glassy floor which was sparkling because of the moonlight. She knew something is up with him. She knew something is troubling Clemont and because of that he cannot sleep. So she just had to know it.

"Clemont..." she pressed on but no reply.

"Clemont." She said in a demanding voice but still no reply.

"Clemont!" She yelled as in commanding him to spill it out.

"What?!" He finally replied, frustrated and moved his position to look at her.

" 'What?!' what huh?"
"Now what do you even mean by that?"
"Huh?! You were the one who picked this topic so talk now!"
"I don't know what you talking about?"
"Don't use my own words on me!"
"I don't know what you are talking about?"

Silence for 5 minutes and no one moved a single muscle.

"Clemont......" she started again.
"Now what?"
"Never mind! I'm not talking to you again!"
"Will you finish it already?!" Clemont yelled out, almost falling from his bunk.

"Shush Clemont. Everyone is sleeping. I cant believe you are an ex-leader."
"Stop playing oblivious! If you don't want talk then stop pushing me!"
"Okay okay, I'll Stop. Although I was having fun." She said with a sly smile on which Clemont choked on his own spite.

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