The Perfect Relationship (almost)

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It was 8:30am and Barry Allen and his popular girlfriend Iris West have just arrived in the school parking lot. As they get out of the car all of Iris's bitchy cheerleader friends approach her asking her about her and Barry's date last night. "Barry, I'm gonna go but I'll see you in class later" Iris called blowing him a kiss as she walked off. Then Barry was alone his best friend Cisco hadn't arrived yet so he recalled his and Iris's date last night...

When they arrived at the bowling alley a familiar face caught Barry's eye. Eddie Thawne. In the popularity hierarchy Eddie is definitely at the top. Not that Barry was interested in popularity. The real reason why Barry didn't like Eddy was because everyone knows how Eddy was completely in love with Iris. As hard as he tried to stay invisible to Eddy somehow he them and walked over with his perfect smile inviting to play with him and his friend, Hal Jordan.

After Eddy thrashed everyone he said he should be going so Iris asked Barry to get the car. As Barry left the alley Eddy whispered something in Iris's ear and led her into a corner. "When are you going to do you know what?" Eddy asked.
"Soon" Iris replied with a sultry, suggestive look.
Barry was waiting in the car and was starting to become impatient. Patience never was his strong suit. He walked back into the alley and scanned the room for his girlfriend. He looked to the corner to see her locked in a intense kiss with Eddy. Too shocked to speak he just left and got back in the car. When she finally returned he set off immediately. Neither of them uttered a word the whole drive...

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