The Breakup

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"hey dude, how was last night!"exclaimed the rather eccentric Cisco who was bounding up to his best friend.
"It.... She has been cheating on me Cisco, with Eddy" sighed the clearly upset Barry. Cisco leant in for a bro hug as that was the only thing he could do. "I'm sorry bro, but it's her loss right". As he said this Barry pulled out his phone and sent a text message that said "Iris, I know what you have been doing with Eddy and in case I need to spell it out for you IT'S OVER!!!". Barry felt that the dramatic tone may really get rid of her.
Cisco started rambling about some tech competition that he won and Barry was distracted to listen. A girl just pulled up in the parking lot. Despite just breaking up with his girlfriend he couldn't help but notice her beauty. Long brown hair, brown eyes and a beautiful smile. He was so distracted by her looks that he didn't notice her walking towards him.
"Excuse me, my name is Caitlin Snow I'm new here and I was wondering whether you could help me find my first class".
"Of course, my name is Barry Allen and this is Cisco Ramon we are seniors here. I'm gonna guess you are too?". She nods. "It seems like we're in the same classes. Also if you want you can sit with us at lunch." Barry says blushing slightly as he does. "I'd love too!" She replies also blushing a bit. She smiles then leaves the boys to take her seat.

"Hey bro, I found her Twitter. She's a straight-A student, her parents are pretty loaded and she's an only child. It seems she moved here from Star city with her parents". Cisco says with a glint in his eye.
"Do you know how creepy that is,dude?" Barry laughs as he walks into class.

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