Date Night

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It was finally the weekend and Barry promised to take Cait to a tour of the newly built S.T.A.R labs. Harrison Wells was Cait's idol and hoped to work for him someday and Cisco also wanted to work their but couldn't go on the tour because his brother Dante had a piano concert that Cisco's parents made him attend. So it was just them.

"Hey beautiful" Barry said before giving her a kiss. Soon enough they arrived at the infamous S.T.A.R labs."Welcome to Star labs, my name is Tess Morgan and I will be your tour guide for your visit, I also happen to be married to the amazing Harrison Wells" the tour guide exclaimed. Caitlin's face lit up and tugged Barry's arm. "Hey I know you're excited but calm down a bit" Barry whispered chuckling and giving Cait a quick kiss. Rolling her eyes, Cait gave him a peck on the cheek.

After half an hour of touring the buildings facilities the tour guide announced that the Harrison Wells was going to speak to them. "Oh my God I'm so excited" Cait said to Barry smiling. "You're so adorable when you smile" Barry said leaning into a kiss. Just when it was getting passionate the tour guide called back over and scolded them for straying away from the rest of the group.

As they took their seats the great Harrison Wells emerged and begun his speak. "Good afternoon everyone and thank you for coming, my name is Harrison wells and not too long ago I was working at Mercury labs but then I thought Why not try something bigger? And here we are today celebrating this something bigger. I am going to spend the rest of my life contributing to science by doing things man has never dreamt of. From now on yodel and the employees of STAR labs will work to change the world as we know it so we can can take a leap into the future of mankind!".

They was a thunder of applause and everyone stood up. Cait was determined to be an employee here, after all it was her dream. "Cait, I promise you I'll do anything it takes to help achieve your dream" Barry said as they left STAR labs. "You don't need to do anything you just have to be there". Cait replied.
"I'll always be there for you Cait, I love you" Barry said with the most sincere tone.
"I love you too" Cait said back matching his tone.

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