The Hospital

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When they arrived at the hospital Barry helped Cait out of the car and held her hand all the way to the reception desk. Cait still couldn't say anything so she buried her face in Barry's chest and let Barry speak for her. "Excuse this is Caitlin Snow, her parents were admitted after being a car accident. "Yes, this way please." the receptionist led them to the doctor who was taking care of Mr and Mrs Snow. Cait looked through the window and saw her parents. Their skin was so pale it was like ice and her Dad had a massive glass shard sticking from his leg and her Mum had an equally big shard protruding through her abdomen. Cait suddenly went very pale. She started to fall as everything went black. But Barry managed to catch her just in time...

Light headed Cait began to open her eyes. She could feel a warm hand on hers and could hear the voices of two boys. It was Barry and Cisco. "How do I tell her?" she heard Barry's voice. "Dude, she's waking up," Cisco said. Suddenly I felt Barry's arms around me "You got me worried there for a second, erm Cait there's something I need to tell you, your Mum  while you were unconscious she went into cardiac arrest and they weren't able to save her, I'm so sorry baby" Barry said sincerely. Cait burst into tears again and fell into Barry's chest sobbing into his shirt. He put his arms around her and kissed her forehead and stroked her hair.

After an hour the doctor came back saying that her dad was requesting to her. Barry helped her up and took her to him. "My little girl, I might not make it baby so you need to know that your Mother and I love you so much " her weak father whispered stroking his daughter's hair. "Don't say that Daddy you're gonna be fine okay, the doctors will fix you okay" Cait was weeping again. Barry was watching from outside the room and it was killing him seeing Cait so upset, he just wished he could take all her pain away.

"Daddy, how can I live without you? You can't leave me all alone," Cait sobbed. "You're not alone, you never will be" He replied crying in pain. Suddenly his heart stopped beating. "Daddy, Daddy!" Cait screamed. Multiple doctors came in and moved Cait out of the room.

Immediately, Barry put his arms around Cait. He couldn't bare her being so upset and he hated not being able to help. Cait was crying so loud that she to muffle herself by burying herself into Barry's chest. He was trying comfort her but she couldn't stop. 

One of the doctors emerged from the room covered in blood. "I'm sorry Miss Snow but we couldn't save him," she said  sympathetically. Cait fell to the floor screaming. "Shhhh baby It's gonna be okay," Barry said dropping to his knees and cupping his hands around her cheeks. "Take me home Barry," Cait sobbed. He picked her up bridal style back to the car.


Authors note: I took me a while to write this part because I wanted to do it justise as it is so sad and I hope it was sad for you guys to read because it was definitely sad for to write.

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