Night At The Movies!

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The school bell rang to signal the end of school and a flood of teens raced out the doors. Amongst them was the newly formed trio of Barry, Caitlin and Cisco. "Hey Cait, is it ok if I call you Cait?" She nodded. "Me and Cisco are going to the movies to watch the new zombie movie, Code Brains, you're welcome to join us". Barry asked with a warm smile.
"I'd love to!" Caitlin replied.

The car ride was hilarious. Cisco was doing a strange zombie impression in the back seat while Cait played along and pretended to scream while Barry was videoing the whole thing. Despite the fact that he was driving. When Cait realised that she was being filmed she grabbed his phone and she'd throw it out the window if he didn't delete it. After a he parked the car in the cinema parking lot, Barry jumped out the car and chased Cait until she gave it back. Then they entered the movie theatre laughing.

Two hours later the newfound friends emerged laughing and joking as if they'd known each other their whole lives."Hey Cisco we should take her to the forest". Barry said.
"Great idea, dude!". Cisco cried clearly a little bit too excited.

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