It's A Rat!

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-Early Monday Morning-

Chloe and Sabrina arrive at school 5 minutes after Marinettes whole 'Chat Noir' act. Both girls, well mostly Chloe, was talking about how great her hair was, how Adrien and Chloe would be the greatest couple ever, how Chloe was greater than everyone; because she was Chloe  Bourgeois, the mayor's daughter, and how she would humiliate Marinette today. As they reach the classroom she immediately looks towards Adrien to ask how amazing she looked. However, as she looked towards him, she sees him smiling to himself while looking at Marinette. Chloe becomes jealous and hurriedly thought of a plan to get her loves attention and (of course) humiliate her most hated rival. She looks at Sabrina with an angry stare. Sabrina noticing her 'best friends' gaze at her, she nods smiling, understanding their unspoken plan. The two girls walk towards the four, as they were near Chloe places her hands on her hips. 

 "Well, Well, Well! Look Sabrina. Looks like Marinette finally accepts the fact that she's a poor little dirty animal." She approaches Marinette glaring at her. "You know Marinette disgusting stray cats are not allowed inside the schools' premises. You might give other students fleas. Oh, and what in the world is that smell?! You stink like rotten cheese. Ever heard of a perfume!? " Chloe covers her nose waving her hand as if trying to shoo away the scent. 

Alya and Nino glare at Chloe but then looks at Marinette who was red and teary due embarrassment. The couple took a whiff  of the air and quickly covers their nose. 

"Ugh! girl as much as I hate to agree with this wicked witch of the west, you do stink. what did you do?" "Yeah, dudette. The scent around is so not cool!" Both Alya and Nino exclaims. 

Adrien who was very angered at what Chloe had said also smelled the air and somewhat made him wonder why she had smelled like that. 'Camembert?' Adrien thought. He notices Marinette staring at him. He sees how Chloe was making her sad and decided to shut Chloe up before she makes her cry. 

"Chloe, can you just go to your seat? You shouldn't insult others. Besides, stray cats always have a secret owner and not all have fleas. oh and if you haven't noticed, I've always smelled like that before.  The scent of Camembert may be bad but it tastes really good. So if I were you I'd leave her alone now or else the teacher may catch you." Adrien grins towards Marinette who was turning a deep shade of red and looks at Chloe with a serious stare. 

Chloe huffs angrily before stomping her way to her seat. "Come on Sabrina! Let's leave this pathetic little girl. I don't want my Adrikins being mad at me. Hmph!" 

"Okay, Chloe!" Sabrina glares at Marinette and hmphs at her too, turning her body away from her harshly before following Chloe to their desk. As the two took their seat, Adrien, glances at Marinette, grinning happily. Marinette thanks him shyly. Alya and Nino stared at their two best friends and then to each other they smiled and the four looks in front of the class. The teacher arrives and begins her lecture. 


- To Plagg and Tikki - 

'Oh, Marinette. That girl needs some serious disciplining. She is very rude!'  Tikki thinks to herself. A few minutes later she munched on her cookies. She then suddenly feels and hears her partner moving and groaning. she stares at Plagg and giggles. 

"Ugh! That annoying girl again. Can't a black cat get some sleep around here!?" Plagg whines. He sits up and looks at Tikki.

"Oh, Plagg! you're finally up" Tikki says to him.  

"Yup, I am. All thanks to that spoiled brat. where are we?" Plagg asks her.

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