I'm Sorry (Part 2)

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Hello, long time no see (although there really never was any see to begin with). I feel like I should introduce myself, my name is Susanna and it's been a year since I updated this story. And for that I truly am so so sorry, because it is the absolute worst thing. However when I stopped writing this story I was in a really strange state of mind, and just generally existing was weird. 

I tend to go through really hardcore phases of different fandoms, and during this particular phase of Maze Runner fandom I was basically using the fandom as a coping mechanism and it works well until it doesn't. It worked wonderfully and I was having a blast being creative and all that fun stuff, until the spark of insane fangirling died down and you can really tell in my writing, the chapters started to get weirder and more, I'm not even really sure what they got. Weird. And I hated the direction the story was going in and I stopped because I didn't want to ruin it. Better to leave everyone wanting more than to have everyone lose interest, was my mindset. 

I am not going to finish Fall. I planned for the first book (which takes place before The Maze Runner) and I planned out all the details for parts that take place during The Scorch Trials, however there was this weird grey area of what actually is supposed to happen during The Maze Runner book period. I have however decided not to delete Fall. (although I still do think The Glitch could have ended where it did). Instead I'm going to do some lazy cop out version of an ending and just tell you guys some major plot points I guess. 

Also like fair warning these are some major plot twists that are going to seem really stupid, without all the context of chapters and actual writing, but for anyone who really wants to know how the series would have ended this is how...

Basically everyone would have learned (through WICKED's pov) that Autumn is a genius, and she implanted a machine into her hands that can basically send massive amounts of energy through WICKED's system, (the plaque goes cold so she knows she's doing something). She planned to go into the Maze to retrieve Newt, as well as shut down the whole WICKED operation and such. I also wrote down something about Autumn performing body mods or something like that on herself so she could interact with electricity (starts with the lightning), and use the chips in her hands to basically hack a system without having a computer or like any other technology. (I'm honestly not sure what that was about). 

The gladers would then get out of the Maze, Autumn having solved mostly everything except the code so that Thomas is still relevant in the story and stuff. WICKED decided to keep her in the trials and see what happens. Autumn's tattoo doesn't say like "a5" and all that jazz it just says "The Glitch" and everyone's like whoa that's weird. 

And here is where I lost all my notes because my email was stupid, so I don't remember everything that was supposed to happen. The story was meant to stay pretty true to the actual series though, and follow all the events just with Autumn added in. And by now almost all of Autumn's memories have come back and she started distancing herself from everyone and acting differently and they were all like, what is wrong with you? And she figured out all her crazy energy stuff. 

And Fall ends with Autumn managing to shut down pieces of WICKED before she gets killed. The series was supposed to end with Autumn dying, hence the name Fall (like Fallen like death but also like Fall in love...I thought I was clever). And it ends stupid and sad because like I said I got really weird. 

I know this does not give this story justice, nor the ending or explanation that you all deserve for reading so much of my dumb writing and sticking with this story for so long, and saying such nice things. I am forever thankful for all of you guys for being so great all the time, like how??? 

I read some comments about maybe other people writing some chapters for this... So with that very minimal explanation about how things were supposed to happen, if anyone felt up for that maybe message me and that might be something that happens. No guarantee's though. If there is one that is really good or that I love a lot I'll post it here, but nothing is for certain.

Thank you all again for the endless support that I certainly do not deserve. 


Fall (Newt || The Maze Runner) - Sequel to "The Glitch"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن