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A/N - So guys this chapter is in third person POV just to let you know... 

       Briar watched as flashing lights and blaring sirens drowned out most of the commotion in the small room. People shoving past one another, screens flickering into existence and then back out again, it was as though even the air itself had been pulled taught. Papers were scattered in the chaos — yes papers. WICKED has begun to use actual paper once more seeing as Autumn always seemed to cause...difficulties. This time was no exception. All the screens that usually followed Autumn had been powered off, it was the opposite this time. Last time all the screens showing everything but her had shut down. This time, they had no idea where she was or what she could be doing. 

        The last image they got of her was when she placed her hands on the Doors. There didn't seem to be anything particularly threatening about the motion, it was what followed afterwards that sent WICKED into a panic. It was like an earthquake that takes place out at sea, the actual quake doens't effect's the tsunami that follows that's the problem. Briar decided that Autumn was like a tsunami...they did have one thing in common; they are both very good conductors of electricity. Briar sat at the back of the room, watching as the mess that was WICKED's staff currently unfolded. There were screens showing sleeping Gladers, prowling Greiver's and even the farm animals...however there was no sign of Autumn. 

        "Put a camera on Newt," Briar stated calmly, but firmly into the air. This had gotten the attention of one of the staff, a look of questioning came across her face before she nodded and began to press buttons almost furiously. Briar's "job" was a strange yet extremely important one. He was assigned to watch Autumn, study her behaviour, brain patterns, reactions, back-story, everything. Since he was the only person here that had ever had actual first hand experience with her. The thing was, he didn't seem to be learning any more about her than we had. Her back-story was practically untouchable, all we had was the day she broke into WICKED, there are no records of anything before that. Her behaviour is  completely unpredictable. The only thing we learned was that her brain patterns are higher than everyone else, but that wouldn't do WICKED much good if they didn't figure anything else about her. 

        Briar watched as the attention turned to Newt; he was awake. He stood by the East Door, mouth hanging agape, all of WICKED sat in a tense silence and watched as he gingerly placed a hand on the closed door where Autumn stood only moments before. A thought so unrealistic popped into Briar's brain he almost laughed. Did she go into the Maze? Of course that was impossible, the Door's weren't open and there was no way a scrawny teenage girl could have just pushed them apart. 

        "Where did she go?" Someone asked to no one in particular. No one in the room answered, the only sound was the soft exhales and inhales of about fifteen people breathing. Everyone's eyes stayed trained on Newt, watching as he turned around, revealing that the boy had tears in his eyes. For Briar this somehow made the thought of Autumn getting into the Maze a bit more obtainable. They watched as he walked slowly towards a cluster of sleeping boys and towards Chuck. Newt tapped him on the shoulder and sat on the ground next to him. Chuck awoke, alarmed at first but when he caught sight of Newt his usual optimism died down to a dull sympathy. 

        "She's gone." Newt spoke softly to Chuck, his voice was just above a whisper. 

        "Gone? She can't just be gone, the Door's aren't even open." Chuck's face now read confusion. 

        "She opened the bloody Doors." Even though Briar hadn't known Newt the look on his face broke his heart. It was almost as if he was smiling at the universe like it couldn't possibly do anything worse to him than it already had. Like the strangest, most tragic things were just to be expected and admired instead of...well tragic. He was smiling to stop the tears from falling... 

        Just as Briar thought the room might explode out of tension a single screen flickered on. The image only lasted for a few seconds, if anyone blinked they would have missed it. It was Autumn, and she was in the Maze. A chorus of gasps erupted out of WICKED's employees and sent the room straight back into chaos. Someone scrambled to replay the few seconds of footage. The camera was grainy and the colour was in grey-scale but it was still something. It showed Autumn walking through the Maze, one hand on the wall and the other pointed directly at a Griever. 

        The clip was replayed and corrected as much as it could be, but nothing changed what they saw. 

        Another screen flicked on, this time the footage was in colour but with poor quality. It did not show Autumn, it showed only the Greiver, laying on it's side and smoking. It's moist skin had been completely evaporated in some areas. The footage ended with a spark coming from one of the Griever's metal rods and into the stone floor of the Maze. 

A/N - This author's note might be really long so I apologize in advance... 

Idk what this chapter might be super scattered cause I was in a hurry so sorry guys... :/ 

So our school does this stupid unit in gym called "social dance" and you basically have to learn a bunch of stupid dances (and I'm all for stupid dances but this is a lot) and you have to dance with *shudders* boys... like the tango, and jive and polka and two-step and salsa and squaredancing and ew kill me now 

Now some of you might not see the downside to this (because yes it would be actually great if you could just dance with guy friends or crushes and whatnot but no) one of the reasons is because you get paired by height and that sucks cause literally all my guy friends are astonishingly taller then me so... and next you have to do it with your own class and I am in a laptop class.... where all the video game nerds go.... where no one even really wants to even high five girls...much less dance with them... and that my friends is why I hate it so much... 

Also all my guy friends are in different classes and Idek it just sucks a lot... (but line dances are super fun :) 


Also... I really need to listen to different music than I if you guys have any suggestions for me I will go listen to them all! (except I don't really like dubstep that much...some songs are great but idk...everything else is good though) thanks guys! 

Fall (Newt || The Maze Runner) - Sequel to "The Glitch"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang