Chapter 3: Pull Out Game Status: Weak!

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(Jeremiah's p.o.v)

After about 40 minutes, I pulled up into Chipotle's parking lot. I saw Andreyah's black GMC. Walking into the restaurant, I eyed Andreyah sitting at a table scrolling on her phone.

Andreyah is a full Puerto Rican brunette. She's 5'5'' and is thick. Today, her hair was all up in a neat bun. She had on a white crop top with blue denim shorts that stopped at 1/3 of her inner thigh.
She got up to hug me and I hugged her back.

"Jayyyy. I missed you. You look hella good," she smiles.
" I missed you too," I smile back. "How yo been?"
"I've been good. You know I'm going back to school for my nursing degree."
"Oh yeah. How's that been going?"
"Well, work's been kind of interrupting my study time. But I've been managing. How about you?"
"Oh I've been cool. I um - got a new girlfriend," I cough. My throat got dry as soon as that sentence started to form.
"I ugh- I got a girlfriend now," I let out.
"Why you getting all tense,"she smiles. "You know I don't care. You never get nervous when you tell me you got a new boo. What's going on?" she asks looking curiously.

"Cause man. I'm really trying to stay loyal to this one, and I'm not trying to loose this one," I say wiping my face. After saying that, let her smile rest in peace since those sentences murdered it.

"You're not trying to loose her? So you're going to just kick me to the curb?" she asks getting louder.

"Don't be like that - you know I'd do the same thing for you."

" Then do it then Jay!"
" Whatchu mean?"

"Drop all yo little 'girls', for me, your fucking baby's mother!"

"Bro- I just came here to let you know that, what we have, this, it needs to cease," I say standing up. She stands up and storms out of the restaurant, producing a scene. I follow her to her car sitting in the passenger seat.

"Man, whatsup with you? Why are you crying?" I ask watching her cry.

"What the fuck do you mean? I'm your daughters mother and you're just going to cut me off for some- for some- Let me see the bitch!" she orders wiping her tears from her face.
"You know who Nicky is."

"Your little bestfriend?!? I thought you said you weren't attracted to her-" she chuckles while still agitated. " Did you ever cheat on me with her?" she asked appearing strained.

"No, no man! It's not like that!" I say frustrated. There is a silence for a while until she turns to me with a forced smile stained on her face.

"Don't you love me Jeremiah?" she politely asks staring me in my eyes.

I hesitate. "Yeah man- Ofcourse."

"Well why don't you act like it?" she says coming forth upon me, rubbing my inner thigh. I turn my head the other direction. "Jeremiah- I love you papi, why don't you wanna be with me?" she asks moving her hand upward towards my man area. I grunt.

She puts one leg over the middle compartment then the other, setting the passenger seat all the way back making me flung backwards with her sitting on my waist and hips-all while looking sexy. She started grinding on me and rubbing her hands on
"Papi. I love you, don't you love me? Papi?" she breathes heavily, turning me on. She starts to kiss and suck on my neck while grinding on me. Then she breathes heavily in my ear whispering, "Papi, I feel him," she smiled by biting the left side of her bottom lip.

"Man- finish what you started."
Man things turned left so fast, the next thing i knew she had been riding for about 15 minutes and I came. She sighed and fell ontop of my chest. I pulled my shirt on and when she got from on top of me I quickly pulled my underwear and pants up and exited the SUV.

"So you're just going to fuck and leave?"

"That wasn't a fuck, and none of this was even supposed to happen! So you're welcome."

"Fuck you!" I hear her yell behind me as I walk away to my car.

Aw man I fucked up. What the fuck just happened? Fuck- I'm just going to hit up the trap, smoke a zip or two then maybe stop by the gym. Gotta get this shit off of my mind.

(Nicky's p.o.v)

I was getting off of work and I tried to call Jeremiah but he was as high a cloud. So I thought I would stop by the girls' apartment.

I parked in front of the 2-flat building and used my key to gain access into the apartment. Only Cali and Sky were home

"Hey hoes."

They froze in their place with fear struck eyes.

"Hey-" Sky says hesitantly.

"Hey Nic' look we're sor-" Cali starts.

"Stop," I cut her off. " I'm not mad. I may have gotten kicked out of my home- but I'm not mad."

Sky looked shocked and guilty.

"So you're homeless? But you're not mad?" Cali asks.

"Yes I'm not mad and no I'm not homeless......I'm living with Jeremiah for right now," I say walking over to the couch and plopping on it tiredly.

"That's a big move Nic' " Sky says sitting on the other couch.

"Sky be quiet. Nicky- you gave him some?" Cali asks leaning in making Sky appealed and making her lean in also. I smile for a couple of seconds and let out a quiet "No." which causes them in a loud disappointed "Ahhhhhh." "How y'all sleep together and not fuck?!?" Cali asks.

"Y'all know I'm -"

"A virgin- bitch we get it" Cali says cutting me off. "You're going to get some tonight, right?"Cali asks. "Yeah?" Sky agrees.

"Y'all! I'm scared-"

"Scared of what bitch?" Cali asks.

"Girl! He's like a half horse from the waist down"
They both wince.

"Damn,"Sky lets out.

"Yeah....Shit, Jeremiah got it like that?" Cali asks with her face still in a wince state.

"Yes," I sigh.

"You know what you gotta do," Sky says.

"Yup." Cali agrees.

"What?" I ask.

They look at eachother. Then back at me.

"What?!?" I ask growing agitated.

"Go get yours," Cali orders Sky.

"Go get her what?" Sky was in her room now. Moments later Sky come's back with a pink artificial rubber penis.

"Fuck is that?" I ask.

"It's a vibrator," Sky says.

I look at them with my mouth open.

"What?" Cali asks.

"What the fuck man. I'm not using no fucking vibrator," I laugh.

"And why not?" Cali asks putting her hands on her hips.

"Because! That shit's nasty!" I calm down my laughter after noticing they were serious.

"Nicky...."Sky says lightly.


"It's your first time. It's going to hurt, and its not gone help with the pain that he that big. So take it from us that this gone help yo little ugly ass" Sky says.

I think about it. I rushed them when they were virgins and the tables have turned.

They look at me with their eyebrows arched in hopes of me to take up their advice. I really do believe Jeremiah is the right one to have my first time with, but this is sketchy for me.

I sigh.
"Where do you get one from?"

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