Chapter 11: I Hate That I Love You

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[Cali's p.o.v]

I was at this family get together. I never really come to these, but they were barbecuing and I promised Nicky that I would get her a plate since she just got out of the hospital.
I'm no doctor but I have this strong feeling that Nicky is going through depression. She doesn't want to go anywhere, barely wants to eat. We only have 3 more weeks of school left until summer break and she doesn't even want to finish school.

" Hey nieceeeee," one of my aunt's from from my dad's side called to me. I honestly don't like her and try to make that known to her.

"Hi Sherri," I say dryly making another attempt on letting her know that I find her annoying.

"Well isn't this a surprise. You never come to the Sunday family picnics. You never spend time with your dad's side of the family." Sherri was one of those aunts that loved to talk about everyone in the family then turn around and act friendly with the person she was just shaming.

"Welp- my mom raised me so-"

"Oh stop it now! We love you too Caliyahna."
Her and my dad are the only one who call me by my whole first name. Non-coincidently, I hate both of them.

"Alrighty- Is the food done?" I asked.

She had a look on her face that said that she knew why I had came.

"Yeah. Go socialize with your cousins. Marc is here, Jade is here-" she pointed to someone with messy braids and a long hoodie on.

"Jade? Jade Boise?" I asked.

"See there- you don't even know who your cousins are," she smiled showing her two gold teeth on the top row.

"How exactly are we related??"

"Well. The uncle that raised her, Larry, or Cocky as people would call him; He was me and your father's brother."

"Her uncle, is that her mom's or dad's brother?"

"Her mom! Terisa, my sister."

Oh my God.

"Oh my God. I'm Jade's cousin."

"First cousin at that."

"What the hell-"


"What girl? Damn."

I walked over to Jade who was sitting at a bench eating a plate.

"You got yourself a big family Jade."

"Cali. Wassup. What are you doing here?"

"The same reason you're here, to get a plate then leave."

"You underestimate me and my family oriented personality trait," she smiles.

"Do I?"

"Nah. You right. These are some pretty awful people."

"Says a lot about you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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