Chapter ten

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Victoria P.O.V

I opened my eyes to find it was dark in my room but the sun was still setting I pulled of my covers and went to the vanity my hair was in a messy bun I pulled it out and opened a drawer to find a hairbrush and finished brushing when I heard knocking on the door of bedroom I opened it.

"Sk......I mean Dracula!"

"Good evening, are you hungry?"

My stomach growled and I giggled.

Dracula P.O.V

She had very pretty smile and I laughed along with her.

"I guess that's a yes." I said

"Well ummm what do you have?"

Oh I didn't think of what to give her.

"What are you hungry for?" I asked

"Well." she started to say said "Some water would be nice and maybe some eggs and biscuits would be nice too."

"Where do I get that?" I asked

"Well if you go to Mr.W farm in the chicken coop there are some eggs and the bread his in Mrs.K bakery."

"Excellent." I said "There is a well outside."

"Thank you."she said quietly

I stepped toward her, her eyes shot up.

"Please don't be scared of me." I said kindly

"It's not that you scared me, but you aren't the Sky I knew."

"I'm still Sky well kind of, but that was me, but just a different species."

She raised her eyebrow and smiled.

Victoria P.O.V

I walked outside with him on the balcony and he took my hand and kissed it.

"I will return, you can look anywhere in the castle." He said and turned into I bat I waved and when he was out of sight I went out my bedroom door and walked down a short hallway and went into a living room area. Then a huge ballroom with a grand staircase. Then a huge dinning room. I don't know how many rooms there were and that I looked in till I found the kitchen. I grabbed a bucket and a long cape with a hood and walked out the door to find the well.

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