Chapter Three

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My first 2 days back home we're pretty bad, but I get to see my bestfriend again and I can't wait! I haven't seen her since before I moved away with Cody. I regret losing contact with her. Anyways I'm heading to the mall to meet her at the food court, because you know why not?

When I get to the mall I go to the food court and wait for Bella because she's not here yet. I buy something and eat while waiting because I'm always hungry.

Someone comes up and steals my fries.

Me: Hey!
B: Hi.
Me: Omg!

I jump up and hug her and she hugs back.

B: watch the stomach.

She laughs and takes a step back. I look at her stomach.

Me: Oh my God you're pregnant.
B: yea
Me: who's is it?
B: Jack's.

I squeal and grab her arms slightly.

Me: that's so exciting!

She just laughs at me then we sit and catch up on everything. I ask her about Sam and she tells me how all the boys made it, including Nate. I've missed out on so much the past years and now I regret ever leaving. Bella and Jack are engaged. Lyric came back during last summer and JJ and her broke up after a big fight. Bella's gonna have a baby!

B: what about you?
Me: what about me?
B: what's been going on in your life? How was Paris? England? Or whatever.
Me: cold. Very cold.

I laugh and so does she.

B: God I missed you.
Me: I missed you too.

We smile and spend the rest of our day hanging out, buying food, clothes, baby stuff. Omg I'm so excited. Bella said I'm gonna be the Godmother and I'm so excited. This is the best thing that's happened to me so far being back home.

After shopping and stuff, Bella and I go to her and Jack's house. We go up to the nursery where both Jack's are arguing about whether or not one piece attaches to the other. I pick up the instructions to the crib.

Me: You're both wrong. That piece attaches to that one and the one you're holding, JJ, is just an extra bolt.

They both turn around towards me and basically tackle me in a hug. Jesus Christmas.

Me: Miss me?

I laugh and so does Bella. They get up and help me up.

G: How've you been?
J: How was Paris?
G: How long are you staying?
J: Have you heard from S-

Jack covers JJ's mouth.

Me: I've been good, Paris was great, who said I was leaving? And yes I actually ran into him.

G: Oh
Me: Yea
J: how did that go?
Me: any other encounter you would have with your ex...? I guess
G: true
B: Are you guys almost done the crib? I mean, we only have 2 more months and it's taken almost all year to even clean out this room.
J: Yea we're almost done.
G: please tell me you didn't buy more baby clothes
B: I did.

He groans and Bella just laughs. I am so happy to be back. I'm happy to be back with my bestfriends. So happy that Bella is gonna be a mom! Ahhh life is great.

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