Chapter Seven

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This whole idea of hurting Sam in a way kills me. But... I don't know I feel like this weird excitement match inside of me needs to be ignited and its almost there.

G: So the next plan is to make yourselves public.
J: Haven't we already done that?
Me: No we just went in public.
J: Then how do we do that?
Me: We post pictures online for those who couldn't come out to the beach.
J: Of what? Like us?
G:not just of you guys. Intimate pictures.
B: Jack.
G: Not what I meant.

I think for a minute then look at Bella.

Me: Do you still have your polaroid?
B: yea
Me: take a picture of me in Jack's lap or something.
B: Great idea let me get it.

While Bella goes to get her camera from her room JJ sits in a chair. I situate myself in his lap so neither of us are physically uncomfortable. By that time Bella is back and ready to take the picture. She takes the picture and gives it to Gilinsky to shake so the picture will show.

B: Let's do one more.
Me: How?
G: are you guys okay with kissing?
Me: Huh?
J: really?
G: To show it's real

He added air quotes to real.

J: I don't really care if she doesn't
Me: I dont care either.
G: Ok then kiss

He's still shaking that damn polaroid. Anyway, I look at JJ and just to get it over with I kissed him. He kissed back, I have no idea why. But as soon as he kisses back Bella snapped the picture. I pull away a second after I heard the camera shutter.

I stand up from Jack's lap and go to Gilinsky and take the developed picture from his hand as he shakes the new one. I look at it and smile. It's actually pretty cute.

I walk over to JJ and show him.

Me: Do you want to post this one or the other one?
J: I'll post the other one.


The pictures are up and boy has my instagram blown up from 300 followers. They somehow found my twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Snapchat. Some even found my phone number. This is crazy. My phone buzzes and i look at it and notice Sam texted me.

He's like EXTREMELY fast with this shit its scary.

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