Elsa/Jack/Rapunzel POV

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Elsa POV


I was on my lunch break so I go and have a turkey sandwich with chip and coffee. I eat and then after I finish I head back to my job. I'm almost there when I feel a hand go to my mouth and I try to look to see who it was but the person grip was so tight that I couldn't.

Then a black van pulls up and the person puts a cloth on my mouth and remove his hand. Then the person goes in the van with me and I can't really see the person still because it so dark in the van. Then the van starts moving. Then the person says "we got her" and the person seems to be talking in a phone. The person voice sounds like a guy's voice but not only that it voice sounds like someone I know.

"Excellent bring her to me" another person says also a guy but I don't know this voice "yes boss" he says and then hangs up.

Then after a few minutes the van stops and then the person opens the door and takes me out of the van. I look to see where I am and I see in front of me is a building. It says on the front of it 'pitch black company.' I'm wondering why that name sounds familiar and then it hit me pitch black is the guy that wanted to merge with Jack company but what I don't get is why me? What do I have to do with merge?

Then the person took me inside and we went to the elevator. Once on the elevator he pushed to the top bottom and we go up. Now is my chance to see who kidnapped me and I look to see it was





































Hans southern

"Hans why did you kidnap me" I say "my boss what's you" he says not looking at me "why" I say annoyed and scared "I'm sure he could provide an answer for you" he says and then the doors open. We walk to a door that says mr. Pitch blacks office and Hans knocked. We hear him say come in and then I recognize that voice. It was the voice Hans was talking to on the phone. Then we go in and I see pitch at his desk.

"Ah yes you finally arrived well hello dear" he says "what do you want with me" I say "no hello back just right to the questions" he says "fine hello now answer my question" I say getting annoyed "very well your here because of your boss he refuses to merge. So I brought you here as bait and I know he's coming because my dear he cares for you dearly" he says smirking evilly "how do you know for sure he is coming and that he cares for me. Your probably lying to me right now" I say "oh but dear I'm not" he says and then Hans says "he's here boss just right outside the company and is coming in."

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