Elsa/Jack POV

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Next morning

Elsa POV

I woke up with a really bad headache and I feel somebody's arm around me. I look to my left to see Jack. Then my eyes widen. Then I look under the covers and I was correct. I then try waking Jack up and after a while he starts to wake up.

"Oh my head" Jack says and then sees me "Jack" I say "Elsa what happened" he said "I don't know all I can remember was being at the party but I think we have a bigger problem" I say and then he eyes widen just like mine. Then he look under the covers to see what I saw and then he looks at me.

"What are we going to do Jack" I say "don't worry Elsa we don't even know if your pregnant yet and even if you are or not I'm going to change the rules as fast I can so we can finally be together" Jack says "ok" I say.

Month later

I woke up again by throwing up and so I finally want to the store. I go a test and I had to wait 5 minutes which felt like forever. Then after my alarm went off I went to see what the results is. I go and see that is





































Then my eyes widen "I have to tell Jack" I say. I go to my car and drive to the company. Once at the company I go in and go to the elevator. Then I get on the elevator to the top. Once at the top I got out and go to Jack's office. Once at Jack's office I knock and then I hear a come in. So I go in and shut the door.

"Hi Elsa what's up you don't have to work today" Jack says "I know I just need to tell you something" I say "what is it?" he says "I'm pregnant Jack" I say with tears in my eyes "it's going to be alright Elsa I'm going to fix this ok" Jack says "ok I might be a little late for work tomorrow depending on my morning sickness" I say "that's fine Elsa" Jack says "ok so I'll see you tomorrow bye" I say "bye snowflake" Jack says "wait snowflake" I say "ya it my nickname I come up for you do you like it" Jack says "I don't like it I love it I also have a nickname for you" I say "what is it" Jack says "frosty" I say "I love it" Jack says "I'm glad but I'm going now bye again frosty" I say "bye again snowflake" Jack says and then I leave.

Jack POV

After Elsa left I went back to work and I think that I'm going to stop at my parents house after work.

After work

I'm driving to my parents house and once I get there I ring the bell. Then the open and I see my little sister Emma.

"Hi Jack" Emma says "Hi Ems how are you?" I say "good come on in" she says "ok thanks do you know if father is home" I say "ya he is why" she says "I just need to talk to him" I say "ok" she says and the I hear my mom say "Emma who's at the door" "it Jack mom" Emma says "oh" my mom says and then I see her come from the kitchen

"How are you" my mom says "good I come to speak with father" I say "oh yes honey Jack would like to talk to you" my mom says yelling in the kitchen and then I see my father come out of the kitchen.

"Hi Jack you wanted to talk" my father says "yes could we talk up in the study room it's very important" I say "oh is it about the company" father says "ya kind of" I say "ok than lets go" father says and we go to the study room. Once there we go in and I shut the door.

"So what's up is something wrong with the company that you needed to speak to me about" father says "ya I was wondering if you could help me change the rule about having a relationship with an employee" I say "why Jack you alway never mind that rule" father says "I know but I do now so will you help me" I say "why Jack when I made that rule I did it as a protesting for you" father says "why" I say "Jack there's something you should know before I met your mom I feel in love with my secretary but then she cheated on me and I couldn't focus on my work for months. So I made the rule as a protecting to the next boss so that he or she wouldn't suffer as I did" father says "father there's something I would like to say to" I say as I take a breath and then continued "I got a girl I love who works for me pregnant" "what" father says "I know your mad but I love her and she loves me so could you please help me change the rule" I say "oh Jack I will help plus I'm going to have to met this girl who's have my grandchild" father says "thanks father so how about tomorrow we change the rule" I say "yes ok I'll com tomorrow" father says "great will I best be going home now I have to get up early" I say "you can't stay for dinner" father says "maybe next time" I say as I leave the study room.

Then I say goodbye to mom and Ems and leave to go home. Once home I go to my room and go to bed.

Next day

I'm driving to work and once I get there I see my father. So once I park we go in and go to the elevator. Once at the elevator we get in and go to the top. Once at the top we go to my office and we walk in.

"So where is this girl you love" father say "oh she'll come in later" I say "ok do you want to start" father says "yes" I say and we start.

After a few hours

We have just finished changing the rule when I hear a knock at my office door and I say to who ever is behind the door to come in. Then I look to see Elsa walking in and she shut the door.

"Hi Elsa how are you?" I say "good Jack but who is this?" She says pointing to my father "this is my father Manny and Manny this is Elsa" I say "it's nice to met you my dear" father says "it's nice to met you too" Elsa says "I have good news Elsa we have changed the rule so now we can be together" I say "that's great when are we going to announce it" Elsa says "maybe next week" I say "great" she says and my father says that he had to go but said that we should met the rest of my family so we made a plan for next week to go to my parents house to have dinner and then he left.

"We'll do you want to start now" I say "ya" she says and before I get the files I kiss her. Then I get the files but before she leave I go down to her stomach and say "now you be nice to your mommy ok and don't make her to sick" then I look up to see Elsa smiling at me. Then once I stand up we kiss and then she leave.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. Elsa pregnant. What did you think? Now that Jack change the rule Elsa and him can be together. What do you of Jack talk to the baby wasn't that cute? Do you guys want them to have a boy or girl? In a later chapter I'm going to start ask names for the baby too. Don't forget to comment and/or vote. If I made a mistake let me know and I'll fix it. Thanks

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