Jack POV

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Jack POV

The week went by so fast let me tell you what happened this week.

On Monday we announce that The rules have changed and that everybody in the company could have a relationship was anyone in the company.

On Tuesday I announced to me and Elsa are a couple.

On Wednesday nothing really happened.

On Thursday I announce that me and Elsa are have a baby

And now it's Friday so tonight I'm going with Elsa to my parents house to have dinner because my mom and sister what's to meet Elsa.

It's almost time for work to end.

Then I hear a knock on the door and say who ever is behind it to come in. I look to see it's Elsa and I go up to her.

"I'm all done with the files Jack" Elsa says " great are you going to go home and get ready?" I say "ya" she says "ok I'll pick you up at 6 ok" I say " ok" she says and before she could leave I kiss her on the lips. then I want home and got ready. Then I'll pick her up and then we drove to my parents house.

Once we got there we go in and the first one to greet us is my little sister Emma.

"Hi Jack this must be Elsa" she says. Then she go to Elsa and says "hi I'm Emma nice to meet you" "well it nice to meet you too Emma" Elsa says.

Then my mom came and she also introduced herself. Then we went in the dining room to see my father which Elsa aready met and then we sat down. I sat next to Elsa to my right and Emma to my left. Then we ate and then my mom brought out a chocolate cake which Elsa loved.

After we ate the cake we sat in the living room and my mom brought us some tea.

Then I say "thanks for having us over" "it no problem son plus your mother and sister wanted to meet Elsa" my father said "oh it was a pleasure to met you all" Elsa says "so how are you doing Elsa" my mom says "good" Elsa says "when do you see the doctor for an ultrasound" I say "I think next week but I have to check the calendar when I get home and I'll let you know" she says "good because I like to be there for the first ultrasound" I say "ok and when it come to find out the gender will you guys what to know or do you want to be surprised" my dad says "I want to be surprised but it's whatever Jack wants" Elsa says "I don't care if you want to be a surprised then I'm fine with that" I say "ok great it look like we are at an agreement" my mom says "ya" I say.

Then Elsa said that she should go home so we said goodbye to my parents and my sister. Then we go in my car and I drove Elsa home.

Once we go to Elsa's house we went to the door and Elsa opened it. Then me and her step in and then she said "let me go check the calendar for the doctor visit" "ok" I said.

Then she want to check the calendar. After a few minutes she come back and said that it was next Monday at 1:00 pm. I told her that I would come to pick her up at 12:00 so we can make it for her appointment with the doctor and she said ok.

Then I kissed her goodnight and I left to go home.

The next morning

I got to work and I saw Elsa waiting for me. So I open my office and we step in. Then I closed the door and she said that she saw us in the newspaper today. Then she showed me the newspaper and I said oh ok will it was only a matter of time before they put us in the paper since my company is a very important one.

Then she says "that's not what worries me" "then what is worrying you" I say "what if someone see this like some one evil out to get us" she says "Elsa don't worry Pitch and Hans are in jail for a very long time and I don't think Rapunzel would do something because she has Eugene now" I say "your right I guess it I'm probably just worried for the baby that's all" she says "nothing is going to happen ok" I say "ok" she say and then I kiss her. Then I give her some files to work on and she leave but before she leaves she gives me with the newspaper. Then I say in my head 'I hope I'm right and that nothing is going to happen to Elsa and my unborn child.' Then I put the newspaper in the trash and get to work.

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