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4 years later

Gothel POV

My little girl is now four years old I can't believe how the time flew.

"Hi mommy" Audrie says

"Hi my little flower how are you?" I say

"I'm good I was wondering when my cousin is come so we can play" she says

"Soon ok" I say

"Ok" she says and walks away 

If you wondering who her cousin is it Hans kid ya he had a kid shortly after Audrie turn one. Hans and his girlfriend Vanessa had a boy. He had Hans red hair but Vanessa's blue eyes. They named him Liam 

I hear the door bell and I go to the door.

I open it and it's Hans with Liam.

"Hi how are you?" I say 

"Good I just come to drop off Liam so I can go to work" he says

"Ok" I say and then he leave.

I close the door and turn to Liam.

"Hi Liam how are you?" 

"Good auntie" he says 

"That's good way don't you go find Audrie" I say

Then he smiles and runs off to find Audrie.

I go in the kitchen to see my husband.

"Hi honey how are you" I say

"Good I see Hans drop Liam off" he says

"Ya" I say

Then we see Audrie and Liam running in the kitchen.

Then Audrie runs up to Pitch.

"Hi daddy" she says as he picks her up

"Hi my little sunshine how are you" he says smiling 

"I'm good but Liam told me something and I wanted to ask you it" she says

"What did he tell you?" I say as I look at Liam 

"Well he told me he was going to be a big brother that his parents are having a baby. I was wondering where do babies come from and how come I can't be a big sister" she says

"Well that's wonderful of Liam as for the where do babies come from question that would be ask in the future when your older. Then the last question is because we love just having you as our only child ok." Pitch says

"Ok" she says and pitch puts her down.

Then she runs back to Liam.

Audrie POV

I run to my room to wait for my cousin to come and then I hear the door bell.

Then I see Liam come in my room.

"Hi Liam how are you?"

I'm good but do you want to know something" he says

"What" I say

"I'm going to be a big brother" he says

"How" I say

"Well my mom and dad said that their having a baby and that's how I'm going be a big brother" he says

"Oh I'm going to go ask mom and dad to see if I can be a big sister" I say and we ran to the kitchen.

Time skip

We run back to my room.

"What do you want to do now?" He says

"How about a game of checkers?" I say

"Ok" he says 

The we start playing.

Elsa POV

Me and Jack now have a daughter who is two along with our son Jake. We named her Emily. She had Jack's hair but my eyes. I'm also now pregnant with twins I'm about 4 mouths and we found out the gender. It's going to be a boy and girl.

I have just cook dinner and I call Jake and Emily.

As we start to eat I hear the door open and then Jack comes in the kitchen.

"Hi how is everybody" he says

"I good" I say

Then Jake and Emily say their good as well.

Then Jack joins us as we eat.

Then after I clean the plates.

After that I go in the living room to see Jack watching a movie.

"How was work today?" I say

"Ok but I sure miss you working" he say

If your wondering I quit as soon as we had Emily and be come a stay at home mom.

"I know but you'll get use to it" I say

"Ok if you say so snowflake" he says

Then once the movie was over it was bed time so Jack took Emily and I took Jake to bed.

I want to Jake's room and I was putting him in his bed.

Then jake ask how me and Jack met. So I told him the story and then he falls asleep.

Jack POV

I just put our daughter to bed and I can help but think how thing went for me and Elsa. Now Elsa pregnant with twins a boy and a girl.

I was on my way to me and Elsa's bedroom but before I got there I go by our son's room to see Elsa put him in his bed.

"Mommy could you tell me how you and daddy met" he says.

"Sure, well it all started when I was looking for a job..." as she told him the story I could help but smile.

Then she finished and she walk out the door.

Then we went to our bedroom and we got in bed.

Right when Elsa's head was on the pillow she was out and I looked at her.

I smiled think about how I now have a beautiful wife with two kids and two more on the way and  as I start to fell asleep I can't help but think this was all possible because of

My new secretary.

The end

Hey guys I hope you like the last chapter. It feels so good to finally finished this. I made a sequel to this called love the enemy and I'll probably make the first chapter in February. If I misspelled anything let me know and I'll fix it. Thanks.

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