Elsa/Rapunzel/Jack POV

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Elsa POV

I woke up to my alarm and saw that it was 6:30. I have an hour to get ready to be at work at 7:30 and so I go take a shower. Then after I find a nice white dress shirt with blue pants and black flats.

Once I get dressed I go downstairs to get breakfast and I couldn't help but think about how nice Jack was 2 months ago. He let me recover and heal for the event that happened. I will have to ask him why his was so nice to me and see if he cares for me.

After I got done eating I go to my car and drive to the company. Then I thought of what happened to pitch and Hans because Jack never told me so that's another question I be asking him.

Once at the company I park in the parking lot and get out. I go in to see Rapunzel and I say I hi to her but she just glared at me like she's mad at me for something. I wonder why she's mad at me because usually she is happy and smiling but now she's mad and almost angry at me.

So I go and ask her. Once I get to her I say "Rapunzel I had a question" "what is it?" She says annoyed "why are you mad at me I haven't been here for 2 months and usually your happy to see me but since I come back you seem to be mad at me like I did something when in all honesty I didn't" I say "oh you think you don't but in reality you did do something to me" she says get angry "what did I do?" I say "YOU STOLE JACK FROM ME" she yells "what are you taking about" I say "you heard me" she says "I heard you but I just don't understand" I say "ok let me make it clearer for you although Jack should tell you this but I think it's time you know" she say and she takes a breath.

Then she continues "I think Jack likes you and I don't like that because he was supposed to like me. I been here since he become the boss and I tried to make him like me but then when you come along he starts to liking you. You only been here 4 months yet I been here for a lot longer" she says getting sad at the end.

"I don't know you had this feeling did you tell him" I say "no because of rules but I was going to say it when I told him to go to the bar to drink but he turned down the offer because he told me he liked someone else" she says "and you think it's me he likes" I say "yes because ever since you come he's changed and I see it" she says "what do you mean he's changed?" I say "he used to be so cold to people even me but since you come he's not so cold anymore" she says "oh I didn't know" I say "ok I think you should go now before mr. Frost comes and sees that your not waiting for him at his office door" she says "ok bye" I say "bye" she says and I go to the elevator.

Once in the elevator I go to the top floor I step out of the elevator and go to he's office door. I knock but on one said come in so I sat and wait.

As I wait I couldn't help but go back to the talk me and Rapunzel had. I don't know Jack was so cold to people and I didn't know he was starting to have feelings for me. Then there's Rapunzel who has feelings for Jack but he doesn't know about it. Then there me I don't know how to feel about Jack and I don't know what to say if he tells me.

Rapunzel POV

After Elsa left I started to make a plan for Jack to be mine and not Elsa's. I couldn't tell her my plan or else she would interfere and ruin it for me.

Once I finished my plan I see Jack walk in and he look so handsome in his blue suit, black tie, and black shoes.

I say hi to him and he says hi back but doesn't look at me as he goes to the elevator.

Jack will be mine soon and there's nothing Elsa can do about it' I say to myself as I get to work.

Jack POV

I walk in to my company and I see Rapunzel. She say hi to me and I say hi back but I'm not looking at her because I just want to get to my office to see Elsa.

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