??? POV/Jack POV

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I'm dedicating this to the two people that guessed right and they are tatiannarr1 and jelsaforever3008. Thank you.

??? POV

I have to get revenge on Elsa and Jack after all it's only fair but it's not for me it's for































My husband Pitch Black

Once Pitch went to jail they closes his company so I went to the person who closed the company to buy it back and then I renamed the company to winter company.

I also had cards made out but I changed my last name so when I put my plan into action Jack won't get suspicious.

Once I did that I visited my husband in jail and I told him my plan. He like it and told me to go for it.

After that I go to the overland company and I go in. I go to the desk and I say "hi I like to speak with Jack Frost about maybe merging my company with his."

Then the girl who has curly red hair says "ok do you have a appointment" "no I was hoping he had room to talk to me right now" I say "I'll check hold on" she says as she grabs the phone and makes a phone call.

Then after the phone call she hangs up and says "your in luck he has time right now but only 20 to 30 mins before his other appointment. So you can take the elevator to the top floor and go to his office" she says "thank you" I say and I go to the elevator.

Once I get to the top I go to his office and knock. I hear him say come in and I went in.

Jack POV

I was at work I just give Elsa some files when I go a phone call so I answer it and I was Merida saying that someone was here that don't have appointment but would like to talk about merging their company. So I said that I had about 20 to 30 mins to listen and I hanged up.

After about 5 mins I hear my door and I say to come in.

In walked a woman with black curly hair, brown eyes, and a red long dress. So I say "what can I do for you" "I would like to see if it's possible that I could merge my company with yours" she says "what company do you work for" I say "my company's name is a winter company" she says "why do you want to merge with my company" I say "well because I'm just started this new company. It's also where an old company use to be until something happened and they closed it. I just want to merge with a company that could help me get to the top. So what do you say?" She says "I'm going to have to think about it" I say "ok take you time and I will wait. Also here's my card incase you decide to merge" she says handing me a card. I look on the cars to see her was Gothel winters.

Then I say "ok thank" "your welcome" she says and then leaves.

Skip to next Monday for Elsa appointment

I go to pick up Elsa I arrive at her house and I knock on the door. Then she answers "are you ready" I say "ya let's go" she says and we go to the appointment.

Once there we sign in and wait for the nurse to call us.

After 5 mins the nurse calls Elsa and we go in the room. Then the nurse said to Elsa to lay on the bed and I took a sit next to it. Then the nurse said that the doctor should come soon and left.

After a min or so the doctor come in "hi I'm your doctor my name is Astrid Hoffman (I don't remember her last name) let's see what we have here."

Then she said for Elsa to pick up her shirt and then put some jelly on Elsa. The she to a wand (I think that's what is called) and put I on Elsa.

Then we hear the baby's heart beat and then she asked if we wanted to know the gender but we told her we wanted to be surprised.

Then she said that everything look good and the baby look healthy. Then we got a picture of the baby but for the shoulders up because we want to be surprised.

Then we left and I took Elsa home. Once at her house I get out with Elsa and we went to the door.

"Well that was good that the baby is healthy" I say "yes and I can't wait until he or she is out" she says "ya" I say and then we kissed.

Then after she want in. Then I go to the car and go home.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter sorry it's a short one but I'm getting writers block and don't know what will happen next so if you have any ideas please feel free to tell me. Do you think I give Gothel a good last name or do you think I should give her another last name. If I give her another last name please let me know what last name I should give her. Don't forget to comment and/or vote. If I misspelled anything let me know and I'll fix it. Thanks.

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