[Chapter 1] Everyone's Idiot

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-Ian's POV-

I woke up today, and I just felt...different. I turned my head to see my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I picked it up and turned the alarm off, slamming it back down on the nightstand. I rolled out of bed and walked into the bare living room. It was bare because I had taken down all of the pictures of my friends, or shall I say: used to be friends.

I turned on my laptop and checked the status of my channel, it was doing okay. If you consider only a couple thousand subscribers and an average of one hundred likes per video okay.

This isn't what I wanted. And things haven't been as I planned since I decided to do what I did. I had no friends. I was alone. I was sad, miserable even. And I most definitely wasn't the Ian Hecox that everybody knew about six months ago...


Anthony and I were lugging in box after box of unopened fan mail into the living room. I dropped down one box and it crashed, spreading letters and small boxes all over the living room floor.

Anthony glared at me before going back into the garage. I followed him out there, laughing, "We really should check our mail more often."

He smirked before walking past me with another box. I don't what it was lately, but Anthony's been acting different. He makes me feel like he knows something I don't. Like a secret. But he tells me everything. So why would he be lying to me?

I closed the garage door and walked into the living room, sitting across from Anthony and the huge pile of mail that covered the floor between us like a moat surrounding a castle from the village. He was getting the camera ready while I just sat there.

"Hey, do you think we can get some lunch afterwards?" I inquired, "Ooh! We can ask Natalie and Rachael to pick some food up and come over!"

"Sure," He replied quietly.

I raised my eyebrow before Anthony turned on the camera and nodded his head, indicating he was filming. "Hey!" I exclaimed, "Welcome to another Mailtime with Smosh!" We did an intro and began to go through what seemed like millions of letters and hundreds of little trinkets and other things from fans. This batch of mail seemed to have a lot of stuff favoring Anthony, which hasn't really bothered me before. But today, I don't know, I just got a tad jealous.

Anthony handed me the camcorder so he could be on camera for part of the video. Again, the letters favoring him, the gifts for him, and nothing much for me except the occasional "Ian is better", which didn't change the mood I was in. I was getting angrier and angrier as the minutes passed by. Soon enough, I snapped, throwing the camera down and having it shatter to pieces.

"What the fuck, Ian?" Anthony shouted, standing up as to not get hit by the pieces of camera flying in the air, "That was an expensive camera! You're paying for the repair or the new one!" He shot his finger in my face.

I crossed my arms and looked away from him.

"What's going on, Ian?" He continued to yell, "I mean, sure, I get you are upset for no freaking reason, but breaking our camera? That's...that's taking it a little too far, Ian."

I just shrugged my shoulders.

He shook his head, "You know what? I'm going to go see Rachael and Natalie. Have fun cleaning this mess up yourself." And he stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

I bent down and started to shove the pieces of mail back into the flimsy boxes that the post office had provided us with. As I sat there, Melanie, my girlfriend, walked through the door, "Hey, babe. Whoa...another Mailtime with Smosh?" She set her bag down, "Where's Anthony?"

"He...he left," I muttered, still angry with him.

"Oh," She bent down and started to help, "How come?"

I sat back, "You know, I really don't want to talk about it, Melanie."

She frowned before putting the lid on the box, "Ian, I feel like we haven't really been communicating like we used to. And I want you to tell me what's on your mind."

"What's on my mind?" I snapped back as I slowly rose to my feet, "Melanie, you don't want to know what's on my mind right now."

"Tell me," She insisted, still sitting on the floor.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay. You want to know what's on my mind? Well, I think Anthony's been getting all the attention of our fans lately, and it's just because he's the one who's handsome, and not stupid, and everything!" Before she could give me her input, I continued ranting, "And you're right. We haven't really been communicating. And I'm starting to think that I don't like you all that much anymore."

She gasped and jumped to her feet, "Excuse me?"

"Yeah," I wasn't thinking straight that day, because if I was, I wouldn't have said, "You're getting too...clingy lately. Like, ever since Anthony and I have started hanging out with Rachael and Natalie, you've gotten so...so annoying! And bitchy! 'Do this with me, Ian.' 'Talk to me, Ian.' Well what if I don't want to talk? And I don't want to do that with you?"

She just stood there in shock. Her jaw was dropped, her eyes were opened wide, and her hands were on her hips.

"And you know what?" I went on to saying, "I'm sick of being...everyone's idiot!"

Tears had started to form on the rims of her eyelids, "Fine!" She yelled back, "If I'm so clingy, I'll go! I just hope you find someone who's as bitter and mean as you are!"

She snatched up her bag from the floor and stormed out of the house, just like Anthony had done about an hour earlier.

I didn't run after her. I didn't watch her go. I just stood there, in the center of the living room, looking at the boxes of mail, not even thinking twice about what I just let happen before me. I wasn't fazed by it. I wasn't hurt by it. Instead, I found this as my opportunity. Because I'm not going to be everyone's idiot any longer.

Author's Note: Alright, I hope you enjoyed reading this. Hopefully the story will evolve as I go on, because right now, the plan is very simple and frankly only a few words =P Don't forget to tell me what you think and thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

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