[Chapter 9] The Photograph

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-Natalie's POV-

I was looking at my phone. My messages were open. The last message I sent to Rachael. The last message she sent to me. And what it was was me asking "Hey, do you think I could come by and get the last of my things?" and her replying simply with "Sure".

I remember that day like it was yesterday...


I drove down the street, listening to my favorite music and bopping my head slightly to the beat. I pulled into the apartment's parking lot and got out of my car. The last time I was here, a couple of weeks ago, Rachael I discussed what would happen to our channel, Nachael Squared. I offered that we could try to continue working together, but she almost immediately disagreed and said she didn't think she could do that. And that she already announced that we wouldn't be making any more videos. That's what surprised me the most. Shouldn't she have done that with me? I ended up just dropping it, because the message got out. There was nothing more to be said.

I walked into the apartment complex and was greeted by the landlord, someone who, when I lived here, I was good friends with. We talked for a little before I went up to my old apartment. It was weird not having a key to get right in. I knocked on the door and heard a faint, "Coming!" from the inside.

I stood there patiently as the door swung open. Rachael saw me and hesitated before grinning ever so slightly and waving at me.

"Hey," I retorted, "Do you think I could come in?" I inquired.

She nodded her head and stepped to the side so I could walk through. I stepped through the threshold and noticed the apartment looked different. Maybe it was that all of the pictures of us were gone. Or that she finally got new furniture, after I left and had been complaining about it ever since we moved here. Or maybe it was just the awkward tension that blanketed the house.

"Where did you put all of it?" I questioned.

She pointed to the dining table and I saw a box labeled "Natalie's Shit" sitting in the middle. I heaved a sigh and walked over to it, glancing inside. There were the remaining pictures of my favorite YouTubers that used to line the walls of my bedroom, a Power Rangers sweatshirt she got me a while back for Christmas, and some of my favorite DVDs that I left behind. I stared at the items for a little before picking the box up and turning around.

"Well...thanks," I said to Rachael, who was now on her phone. She didn't even look up at me. I guess whatever was on her phone was more important than me. "I guess this is goodbye," I added. In response to that, she looked up at me and smirked. I shook my head in disappointment as I left the apartment. On my way out, I was stopped by a few of my other neighbors. They wanted to talk, so I did. After spending a good half hour catching up with them, I finally made my way out.

I threw the box of possessions into the passenger's side and walked around to the driver's, getting in and buckling my seatbelt. That's when I noticed something in the box that I didn't see before. I picked it out and looked at it. It was a picture of Rachael and I from our first ever video that we posted on YouTube and on the back was a note.

Hey Natalie,

I'm really sorry things had to end the way they did. I didn't mean what I said that night. I was upset and wasn't thinking straight. I didn't think you would actually take it seriously. And I hope that, even though we're not really talking or seeing each other anymore, maybe one day things will work themselves out and we can be the sisters we used to be again.


I stared at the photograph and the note for a little before slipping it into the visor above and backing out of the parking lot.

I got up from my bed and walked over to my desk, where I kept the photograph taped to the lamp neck. I pulled off the photograph and read the note one more time. I'd almost mesmerized it by now, I could probably recite it in my sleep.

That's when Meghan popped her head into my bedroom, "Hey, there's someone at the door for you."

"Who?" I asked, putting the photograph back in its place.

"It's Ian. He says he needs to talk to you about something."

-Rachael's POV-

I sat down at my desk and the first thing I saw was the empty picture frame that used to hold a picture of her and me from our first video, but I slipped that into her box of stuff after writing a small note on it.

Thinking of her just made me sad. I had to distract myself from the thoughts in my head. And I wasn't sure what to do, but I tried doing something I hadn't done in a while - writing. I stared at the blank piece of paper while I held the blue pen in my hand. I also had my headphones on (because I couldn't stand the silence) and my iPhone played music. But I had to skip nearly all of the songs - they either reminded me of Natalie or reminded me of Anthony. And what he just did a few hours ago.

None of my efforts were working. I threw the pen down in frustration and covered my face with my hands. That's when I heard my door open. I looked up and saw Anthony standing in my doorway.

"Hey," I greeted, "Did you go see Ian?"

"Yeah," He answered casually.

"And...how'd it go?"

"It went well," He replied, walking into my room and sitting down on my bed. "We ate some Chinese food. We talked about a few things."

I rolled my eyes before inquiring, "Like...?"

"Like our friendship and Smosh," He shrugged his shoulders before continuing, "And he and I agreed that we'd bring back Smosh, you know, when it was him and me and not Stevie and me."

I grinned and leaped out of the chair to give him a hug, "That's great!" I exclaimed as I sat down beside him, "That's great..." I repeated.

He nodded his head, "But you know how it would be more great?" He questioned, glancing over at me and smirking. I stared at him in confusion, "If you and Natalie did the same thing."

I Got A Feeling (Smosh FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora