[Chapter 2] The Fan Favorite

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-Anthony's POV-

I pulled up to Natalie and Rachael's apartment complex and turned off my car. I sat there for a few minutes, making sure I wanted to bring them into this, before walking up to their apartment and knocking on their door.

Rachael answered it with a smile, "Hey, Anthony. What's up?"

I pushed past her and started pacing back and forth, "Ian's gone...crazy!"

"Crazy?" She asked, closing the door behind her and turning to face me.

"He...he was doing Mailtime with me, right?" I told her as she walked up to me, "And then, out of the blue, he throws the camera we were using to record down on the floor! Smashing it to pieces!"

"He threw your camera?"

"I understand people get upset sometimes, I get it. I do too. But throwing the camera in a fit of rage with no explanation!?! He's taking it a little too far." She nodded her head in agreement, "I then go on to ask him what's going on. He's my friend. We tell each other anything and everything. But he doesn't say a word to me!"

"Maybe he's having a bad day."

"Regardless," I snapped back at her, "He should tell me what's wrong. He and I are best friends."

"Have you ever thought you're the problem?" She questioned, poking me gently in the center of my chest.

"Me?" I pointed to myself.

She shrugged her shoulders and tilted her head side to side, "Sometimes you get all the...the..." She bit her lip, "This probably isn't the complete right way to put it, but...sometimes I get the feeling that you're the fan favorite."

"The fan favorite?" I repeated in disbelief, "Since when have I been the fan favorite?"

She smirked, "You were my favorite. You've always been."

"That's different, Rachael," I retorted, starting to pace back and forth on the cold, wooden floors, "Seriously though, I don't know what's up with Ian. And I'm genuinely scared and worried. It's not like him to get upset over nothing."

"Who got upset over nothing?" Natalie, Rachael's younger sister, asked as she walked out of the bedroom hallway.

"Ian," Rachael answered her.

"What happened?" She inquired. I explained the whole situation to her again and she looked stumped, almost just as stumped as I was, "Ian? He wouldn't smash your camera. That's not like him."

"Exactly!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air, "But he did!"

"And he wouldn't talk to you?"

"Not a word!"

She crossed her arms over her chest, "Hmm...I wonder what he's upset about."

-Ian's POV-

I ended up going through all of the unopened mail by myself. I was curious to see how much more mail was for him, though I knew it would be the majority of it. After dumping the mail that had already been picked up back onto the floor, I sat there, opening envelope after envelope, box after box, without a camera recording my reactions.

Most of them were for Anthony and me, but a large portion of the others were written for Anthony. Almost none for me. Maybe a few here and there, but still. I threw the letters down and covered my face with my hands.

When did I become so unhappy? I used to have it all. A girlfriend who I dated for over six years, a best friend who I worked with, a job I enjoyed doing every day. (And not many people can say they like their jobs.) I don't know what went wrong.

I guess I let jealousy get the best of me - someone was always doing better than me. And when I got something, I always wanted more.

I got up from the floor and walked over to the dining table, picking up my phone and dialing the one person I knew I could talk to - Natalie. It rang for a little until she finally picked up, "Hey, Ian. How are you doing?"

"Natalie, I need someone to talk to," I told her, sitting down in a chair and looking at the mess that consumed my living room floor.

"I'm here for you, Ian," She replied, "What is it?"

I heaved a sigh, "I just...I feel like nobody cares about me anymore. I feel, like I'm nothing."

"You're everything, Ian," She told me, followed by a slight chuckle, "I mean, just think about the things that wouldn't be here today without you! There's...there's Smosh..."

"I don't think that counts anymore," I cut her off, "Anthony walked out on me. But I don't blame him; I basically invited him to."

There was only silence over the line until she continued, "Okay then...what about you and Melanie?"

"We broke up today...just about a few hours ago, actually."

"What?" She whispered through the speaker, "Ian, I'm so sorry!" I made a sound of acknowledgment and she sighed, "Look, Ian, you're not nothing. You don't even know how much you mean to me, and to everyone, and to everything."

"I'm sure you're the only one who thinks that, Nat..." I said, scanning the empty room.

"Oh, Ian. You're just...going through a rough time right now. And I promise you I'll be there to help you through it, okay?"

"Thanks, Natalie."

There was another moment of silence before Natalie said she had to go. I hung up and looked at my phone. That's when I got this crazy idea - to start "erasing" the ones that were holding me back out of my life, starting with cutting off communications.

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