[Chapter 7] Make Things Right

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-Ian's POV-

"Well, I've got to go," Natalie announced as she stood up, "I'll talk to you later, alright?"

I nodded my head as she picked up her almost empty coffee and gave me a quick hug goodbye. I closed the door behind her after she left. I turned around and heaved a sigh, sitting back down. That's when I thought about something Rachael had told me a couple of days ago...


Months had passed since the whole incident. Anthony and I still hadn't talked. He finally took down Smosh, mostly due to the loss of popularity. At least, that's the reason that I knew of. I was starting to have regrets, but I still tried to act like I was happy. I really did. I was miserable though. And I'm sure although I tried to make is seem like I was fine, my sadness shown through.

The only reason I hadn't cracked under all of this was because Natalie was there to keep me company and to remind me that I meant something to someone. But in the end of the day, I felt lost. Without Smosh (the way it was when Anthony and I did it together), nothing was the same. When I tried to play a video game, I'd always pass the controller to the next person like I would in Game Bang, but there was no one to pass it too. And when I'd get lunch, I'd always say "Anthony, what time is it?" but there wouldn't be anyone there to answer with the Finding Twitter Questions song.

One day, I was sitting on the couch and just staring at the black TV screen. Even just sitting on this couch reminded me of Smosh and put me in a depressed mood.

That was when I heard a knock on the door.

I got up slowly and answered it, expecting to see Natalie. But to my surprise it was Rachael. She grinned slightly, "Hey, Ian. May I come in?"

"Uh, I guess..." I answered as I stepped to the side to let her in. She past me and I closed the door behind her. "What are you doing visiting me?" I questioned.

She chuckled, "I can't come and see one of my best friends?"

"Well I thought that after the whole you-chose-Anthony thing, that kind of meant we wouldn't be hanging out or talking anymore," I answered.

She heaved a sigh, "Look, Ian, I need you and Anthony to get back together," She begged me, clutching onto my arms, "Anthony...he's...I can't stand him anymore!"

"Why? What's he doing?" I asked.

She shook her head, "He's different...ever since you left him, he's angrier and...and not the Anthony everyone knows and loves. And I can't take it anymore! Nat's right...I should've sided with you in the first place..."

"Wait, where is Anthony now?" I inquired.

She chuckled, "Funny story, he doesn't know I'm here right now. And it wouldn't be really good if he did know, so..."

"Why would it matter if he did?"

"Uh..." Rachael scratched behind her head, "That doesn't really matter. What matters is what I'm telling you, Ian, please make things right between you and him."

"Why can't he be the one to make things right?" I retorted.

"Maybe it's because you were the one who started all of this," She snapped back, "You were the one who tore Natalie and me apart. And you were the one who made Anthony the way he is. I don't care how much he denies it, he's lost without you and...Smosh needs to reunite. For you, for me, for Natalie, for all of your fans, for everyone. Just, please, Ian, I'm begging you, be the one to make things right," And with that, she walked past me and out of the house.


I pulled out my phone and stared at the screen for the longest time before dialing the number I memorized long ago. I held the phone up to my ear and closed my eyes, hoping they would, and maybe even wouldn't, pick up. The phone rang five times before they picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?" Their familiar voice inquired through the speaker.

I heaved a sigh, "Hey, Anthony, it's...it's Ian."

There was only the faint buzz on the other line until he replied, "Ian? What the hell are you doing calling me?"

"I could ask myself the same question. But I was wondering if we could meet up for lunch or something. I don't really think what I have to say should be said over the phone."

"Uh...sure," He answered uneasily, "What day were you thinking?"

"How about today?" I suggested.

"Uh...sure," He repeated, "Sounds good. I'll come over around one in the afternoon, okay?"

"Alright, see you soon," I told him before hanging up. I set my phone beside me and leaned back in the couch. It's now or never to do this. Because let's be honest, if what Rachael was saying was true, he's just as lost without me as I was without him. I've got to make things right.

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