[Chapter 6] Didn't Last Long

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-Ian's POV-

"I remember that video," Natalie remarked, looking over at me, "When I saw it, I couldn't believe it. I mean, replace you with Stevie? That's just not right."

"I know right?" I agreed, pivoting my torso so I was facing her, "But at least Stevie didn't last long."

"Yeah, I guess he was pissing Anthony off for no reason. Or at least that's what Rachael told me before we stopped talking to each other completely," Natalie explained.

"I wonder why..." I retorted.

-Anthony's POV-

"Cut!" I yelled after the fifth failed take. The lights were dimmed again and the camera stopped rolling. I heaved a sigh and shot Stevie an annoyed look, "How many fucking times are you going to fuck that line up, Stevie!?! It's only six words!" I shouted at him.

"I'm sorry, Anthony," He apologized, a scared look on his face, "I'll do it right next time."

"You better. Or I'll find someone to replace you." I threatened. He stared at me in disbelief. I looked at everyone and declared, "Take five. We all need it," I walked past the crew and into Rachael's kitchen, pulling a beer out of the fridge and popping the cap off.

Since Ian and I were no longer on speaking terms, and the Smosh house was his, he kicked me out. Literally. He kicked me in the ass and told me to get the fuck out of his house. I took all of my belongings with me and drove to Rachael's. I knew Natalie left her, so I thought she might have an extra room available. I knocked on her door and asked if I could stay with her for the meanwhile. She was reluctant to say yes, but she said the apartment was quiet without Natalie there and she could use some company. So I moved into Natalie's old bedroom and we've been living together (as friends) since then.

Rachael came out of the bedroom hallway and noticed everyone doing their own thing. She glanced over at me and inquired, "Is recording over with?"

"We're just taking a break," I replied casually.

She walked over to me and asked, "Why does Stevie look like he's about to cry?"

"Because he is."


I took the last sip of the bottle of beer and answered, "Because I'm about to replace him, just like I did with Ian." Rachael's eye widened, "What? He can't remember his lines, he bumps into me all the time, and I can't stand working with him anymore!"

"That doesn't mean you have to replace him," She tried to convince me, "He just needs a little help, that's all."

I shook my head, "No, he needs to go. I'd rather do Smosh by myself."

She scoffed, "You can't do Smosh alone, Anthony. It wouldn't be the same..."

"Is it the same now?" I snapped at her. She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest, knowing I was right, "That's what I thought."

"Give him a second chance," Rachael begged quietly, as if she was frightened to talk to me, "He's just trying his best." I glared at her, "Please?" She asked, looking up at me with watery eyes.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "I suppose I can..." She lit up, "But only because of you." I winked as I returned to recording. I've been trying to flirt with her, but I don't think she's getting the memo.

We started the scene over again for now the sixth time. I anxiously anticipated Stevie to mess up yet again. And just like I predicted, he did. Everyone went silent, worried for him. Rachael smacked her forehead. Stevie went as white as a ghost. And I clenched my firsts by my sides, my face getting red with anger.

"I...I'll get it right next time, Anthony," Stevie stuttered nervously, "I promise."

"Well too fucking bad," I retorted coldly, "Because there's not going to be a next time." His eyes widened in realization. "I'm done. We are all done. Go home," I walked briskly into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I began to pace back and forth, thinking of what to do. Well, I thought to myself, I could forgive Stevie...

Just then, I heard Rachael say to Stevie as everyone was packing their things and leaving, "I'm really sorry, Stevie. He's just a little upset right now. I'm sure he doesn't mean what he said."

"Thanks, Rach," He replied with a slight chuckle, "But I don't think I'm coming back. And even if I did, I wouldn't want to work with that asshole again." Rachael laughed in response.

Well I'm not going to forgive him now that he called me an asshole... Maybe I could get back together with Ian and act like nothing happened... But I don't think after the nasty E-mail I received from him for posting that video with Stevie and the whole replacement thing that he'll even dare to talk to me again. What to do...what to do...

Just then, I heard footsteps approach my door. I quickly plopped down in my office chair and opened my laptop, making it look like I was doing something.

There was a knock on my door, "Anthony?" Rachael's quiet voice emanated through the closed door.

"Come in," I told her, spinning around to face her as she walked in.

She gently closed the door behind her and hung her head, "Anthony, we need to talk."

"About what?" I questioned.

She looked up at me and answered, "You."

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