Meeting bill (Finished) :)

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Dipper put on the grimy blue faded tee-shirt Stanley gave him as a "birthday gift". He was allowed to do whatever, "Heck kill yourself even just stay out of my way" Stanley said gruffly one day. Dipper usually played in the back of the shack with his favorite stick, the only toy he's ever gotten. He laid on .the ground and just drew random things in the dirt. He carefully laid on his scar-full belly due to another painful beating. Dipper never wore shoes, he only had a two small raggedy flip-flops that was given to him long ago. People would avoid dipper at all times. The blood, caked on dirt, and the scabs of wounds made him look like a monster. Dipper sighed and laid his head in his arms, tired from last night's beating and blood loss. "I wish I could see you again" Dipper muttered as he fell into a restless sleep. Far off in the distance you could hear someone laughing.

~~~~~~That evening~~~~~~
Dipper awoke to see that the sun was setting and gray clouds were settling into gravity falls. He got up and ran to the back door. "Grunkle stan! grunkle stan!" Dipper called pounding his fists on the door. An angry grunt sounded from behind the door and a loud slap greeted Dipper's face. "Quit all that racket!" Stanley yelled, slamming the door in dipper's face. He sighed and sat on the steps. Tears streamed down his face as he heard laughter from inside.
"Hey kid why the long face?" A familiar voice said coming from in front of him. Dipper looked up to see the man from his dream. The world was monochrome but they were in color. "It's you" dipper whispered, "my superhero". The man grinned, "The name's bill kid bill cipher" . Dipper shook his gloved hand."My name is-" "Dipper pines" Bill interrupted with a smile, "h-how do you know my name?" Dipper stuttered, backing away slowly.
"Oh uh I heard it from a friend who lives here" Bill said casually, trying not to scare the kid. Dipper nodded slowly shivering as bill got closer. He wasn't used to people being so nice to him nor did he trust strangers especially since people always bullied him. "N-no stay away! g-get! don't touch me please!" Dipper yelled cowering in fear as he started to cry. Bill watched as a memory of his engulfed the mindscape.
"Stanley pines" Bill growled with displeasure he watched as dipper screamed and cried. "What was that man doing to you Pinetree?" Bill asked getting down on one knee. it was too dark in the memory to see it clearly. "He hit it! he hit it!" Dipper wailed, "Hit you where?" Bill asked, Dipper pointed at his legs. Bill's eyes got wide as he stepped closer. Dipper got up and ran into the forest. "Pinetree wait! uh- I mean Dipper!" Bill yelled dashing after him swiftly.

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