Stupid families and feelings

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Lauren's POV:

I woke up with arms wrapped around me and a beautiful head nuzzled into my boobs. "Camz, wake up." I pushed her head away from my boobs, "hey they were comfy, WAIT I mean that was comfy." I knew she mean't the first thing she said. "Huh, sure ya did!" She got up and ran to the bathroom, I could here crying I ran into the bathroom "camz, camz its ok" she looked up and laughed "haha got you lolo"

"So what do you want for breakfast" I asked "uh anything I guess" I made her some banana pancakes.


"Miss cabello, Miss jauregui, you're late!" Mr dickhead again great! "Uh sorry" I said polietly. "Come on camz" she sat down beside me, tell her lauren, tell her you love her. I can't do it. "Camz you wanna ditch?" I said quietly "nah, tommorow." As she said that my heart sank, I wanted to spend time with her. "Okay, you're on.

Me and camz walked out of the classroom side by side, "so you sure you don't wanna ditch?" I said jokingly "noooo lolo I don't. "Hey weirdo" a jerk boy, darren, said. He was saying it to camz, shit. "What do you want darren" he picked up camila and threw he against a wall, and started kissing her. "STOP darren, get off! I ran over to them and grabbed camz "we're ditching, I dont care what you say! We ran out of school my hand in hers.

"Lauren thank you for helping me, your my hero." We ran back to my house, I opened the door and heard, "lauren, is that you?" Shit it was my parent's "yeah um its me and uh my friend." I said nevously. "What the hell are you doing back?" My mom shouted "I could ask you the same question!" I said lairily. "Lauren michelle jauregui, dont you dare speak to your mother like that!" Urr ffs "sorry I'm just surprised, and the answer to the question before is my friend camila here was getting beat up, by a boy!" I said angrily

I put my hand in camila's "oh my god, sorry we didn't realise" my dad said with a guilty tone "nah you never do" I muttered under my breath. I pulled camila up to my room.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry about my par..." before I could finish camila engulfed me in a huge hug, "what was that for?" I asked cutesilly "nothing, I just wanted to shut you up." camila walked over to the tv and turned it on, "what do you wanna watch?" Camila asked curiously, "I dont wanna watch anything I just wanna cuddle" I wanted to get closer to camila without confessing my love for her. "Your wish is my command!" Camila turned of the TV and walked over to the bed where I was, I put my ipod in my speaker and put it on shuffle. playing was chocolate by the 1975. Suddenly I heard camila's soft voice singing along

"We go where nobody knows, with guns hidden under out pettycoats. No were never gonna quit it no were never gonna quit it, no" her voice was amazing.

The next song was: she like girls, GREAT!

"I think she like girls everytime she flaunts you wanna get real and tell me what you want"

I sang just to embarrass myself, "woah lauren, you're incredible!" huh me, duh fuck? "thanks camz so are you!"

"So you wanna eat?" I said awkwardly. "Yeah sure" camz said cutely. "Then we can binge watch pretty little liars!" I shouted exitedly. "Yeah, sure.

Camila's POV:

Me and lauren are pretty close today, I think that I should tell her about my feelings, No.....yes....uh shit! "Uh lauren, um......." I couldn't say it, "I have really enjoyed today thank you!" Ahh what the hell camila, that was your chance! "Me too" lauren snuggled her head into my neck. "Tanks tor tooday" lauren said cutely "pledgerse awl myine" I whispered back.



Thanks for reading, guys I would love to make these chapters longer but i'm lost for ideas plz comment and they may confess in the next chapter tanks ya'll. Btw this is laurens room:

 Btw this is laurens room:

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