Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu X Reader

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Bold text is speech
Italic is thought


You are Y/N. You own a gang, that is rival to the Kuzuryu Clan. Unfortunately for you, you happened to end up in the same class as the Kuzuryu leader, Fuyuhiko. You sighed, a bit annoyed at it but there wasn't much you could do, I mean you were lucky enough to be in this school. From the very start you decided you wouldn't make any friends at this school and it was purely just for education purposes, you didn't need or want friends anyway, after all you had your clan. After the first day of school you went to your gang headquarters and co-operated with the police. Surprised? Well even though you were one of the most wanted clans in the country, the police and government discussed with you. Their money was dirty money and it worked out for you, I mean in the end you had planned to take over and control the city, I mean it wasn't like the world wasn't corrupt enough already. The next day you caught Fuyuhiko glaring at you so you got up and slammed your hand on his desk. You got something wrong motherf**ker? Look at me again and you won't have any eyes left. You kicked his chair over and walked off while the whole class was left in silence. That night you made preparations for the hackers in your clan to get information on the Kuzuryu Clan which went well and you got a lot of private good information. The day after that you went to school and ignored Fuyuhiko. In the night you would just do things with your clan. It carried on like that for days and days. Until one day. It was 2 months since your first day at this class and you were assigned to work on a project with Fuyuhiko. What?! No way am I working with that f**king airhead. Fuyuhiko is a absolute idiot he won't know s**t.
Y/N if you'll please r-
Oh shut the f**k up.
Just do the assignment and I'll give you a good mark.
Tsk. You went over to Fuyuhiko. If you even get in my way I'll eliminate you. You worked on the project together with Fuyuhiko and you actually found out you had a lot in common. Not that it mattered, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu was still your rival and he'll always be your rival. After the assignment was done you noticed how things had changed. Fuyuhiko seemed like he... respected you? I mean he would smile at you and be nice to you. You didn't quite know how to react to it, your rival actually respecting you. Ah should I talk to him about it? Maybe I'll ask him to meet up after class. Hey Fuyuhiko? You got a minute?
What's up Y/N.
Meet me after school here. You left him alone.

After school you decided to talk to him. Why do you seem to respect me we are meant to be rivals.
Do we have to f**king be though. I mean we have so much in f**king common and this whole rivals thing annoys the hell outta me.
So you don't want to be rivals.
I'd rather just be friends. You smiled softly. Fine but if we're friends I get to call you Fuyu...
Fine but I get to call you N/N (Nick/name).
Fine hehe. The two of you stayed friends for a while and you often went out with him and Peko. You found yourself having a small crush on the baby face, but I mean it would be forbidden right, you both own huge rival gangs and stuff... it just wouldn't be right. What you didn't know is that Fuyuhiko felt the same and had no idea what to do, until he finally spoke out. N/N we need to talk.
Alright Fuyu.
It's wrong. It's all wrong.
What's up baby face?
Tsk.... I have feelings for you but it's just... just not right is it. We're meant to be rivals and... and it's f**king stupid! I just want to be normal and be with you. You hugged him and he hugged back. I have feelings for you. Maybe we could date in secret.
I would.... I would like that. A f**king lot. Fuyuhiko softly pressed his lips against yours. For such a violent man he kisses very gently and softly.


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