Chisa Yukizome x Reader Introverted! Quiet!

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For @GenoSaii

You were always the quiet child. You were always in the corner reading while the rest of the noisy class got on your nerves. Chisa came over, Hey you rotten orange why aren't you joining the class?
A-Ah! S-Sorry miss, I-I'd rather read. On the inside you were dying, why couldn't she just leave you alone?! Aww cmon the class would love for you to join in. You just turned your head away and looked out the window. It was your birthday today but no one remembered of course. In fact you lived alone and no one remembered. I guess no one actually does care about me... You carried on sketching. After lesson had ended everyone was leaving but Chisa called for you to stay behind, What does she want now. I want to go home and watch tv... Y-Yes miss?
Happy birthday Y/N!
You remembered?
Of course I did, you're my student after all! She smiled and gave you a present. You blushed and opened it, there was some books and pens which were expensive, but amazing. You gasped slightly, Thank you so much miss! You knew you were blushing, this was so kind, Hey why don't you draw me just this once.
Really? I'd like that! She did a pose and you drew her. It took a little while but when you had finished it looked realistic. She loved it, It's amazing Y/N. as your teacher I have some things I want to say but they are forbidden.... It could get me fired.....
What's up Miss Yukizome?
I am your teacher and this is wrong but.... I think... no I'm sure that I'm in love with you!
W-What? That's when it hit you. All those times she made efforts to talk to you, you turned her away. You rejected her words. This wasn't going to happen. You were finally going to accept her. A blush was spread throughout your face as you nodded to say that you loved her too. She kissed you and you shyly freaked out on the inside but you kissed back. What have you gotten yourself into... and why do you love it.

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