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   Sometimes, I look at pill bottles and wonder what it would feel like to O.D. Would it hurt? Or would you just lay down and...go...Sometimes, I watch movies about depressed and suicidal people just so I know that there must be someone out there that actually feels this way too.

   I haven't always been this way. I haven't always wanted to take the easy way out. I used to be so happy. So content with my life. I had my family, my friends, a big house, food on my plate everyday. But one day, it started gradually slipping away from me. I still had food on my plate, but I wouldn't eat it. My friends called, until they gave up on me. I walked around my big house, pondering where the best place to take my own life would be. Where, if I screamed, no one would hear me.

   The only thing I had left was my family. And boy am I glad for it....

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