Chapter 12-The Ants

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   I was starting to really worry about Zac. It's been a couple weeks since Tori's death and it's like he has fallen into a state of obvious depression. Really obvious. He doesn't talk much anymore, he's eaten close to nothing, and when he isn't in our room, he's wondering the house as if he is in another dimension and is trying to figure out where he is.

   A few nights ago, he snuck out of the house around eleven. He didn't come back until about three in the morning. I pretended to be asleep, but I could tell by the way he was walking he was drunk or high or something along those lines. Ever since that night, he's been doing that every night. To say the least, I was very worried.

   "Hey, Zac! You made it!" Yelled Brett over the music.

   "Course I did!" I fake smiled, stepping into the house that was full of drunk, hormonal teenagers.

   "Well have fun! Drinks are over there!" He said, pointing to where the alcohol and obviously spiked punch was.

   "Thanks, man." I said, making my way to the table with the alcohol. I took a can of beer and downed it quickly. Then, I got some of the punch and started drinking.

   "Hey there..." said a feminine voice behind me. I looked behind me to see a bleach blonde girl with blue eyes and HUGE breasts.

   "Hi." I said back.

   "You're Zac right?" She asked, leaning over and getting some punch. I couldn't help but look down her shirt.

   I swallowed hard, "Uh...yeah"

   "I know what people say about you. It's pretty shitty. I'm gonna tell you the truth right now though..." she Said leaning in close,"I think you're really hot" she whispered, her hot breath dancing on my skin. I started breathing heavy.

   "Y-You do?" I asked, trying to flirt back. It wasn't working very well I don't think.

   "Yeah..." she whispered again, taking my hand and dragging me towards the couch in the living room. We sat down, "Are you gonna do anything about it?" She asked me, running her han up and down my thigh, getting higher each time.

   I was frozen. Blood was flowing to all the wrong places. I couldn't help it. She leaned over and started kissing my neck. My eyes rolled and shut as I leaned my head back as she continued to kiss my neck and run her hand up and down my thigh.

   "Mmm" I moaned.

   "You like that?" She asked in a low sexy voice. I nodded my head. The alcohol was taking affect. "What about this?" She asked, moving her hand from my thigh to between my legs.

   "Ooooh..." I moaned loudly.

   She kept kissing my neck and groping me. I could tell there was gonna be a hickey on my neck later.

   "Do you wanna go get another drink...?" She asked. I could tell she wanted me drunk. I wanted me drunk. I nodded my head.

   We downed more punch, took a few shots. She had me smoke some marijuana. By some, I mean a lot. But, it was fun. Smoke filled the air.

"Do you wanna go upstairs?" She asked in a drunken slurred voice.

   "Yeah..." I whispered. Then, she grabbed my hand and dragged me down he hallway and up the stair case to a random bedroom.

She closed the door behind us and sat on the bed, "So," she said, running her fingers along the soft sheets, "What do you wanna do?"

I waisted no time. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers. She tasted like alcohol but she responded just as I wanted her to. I started pushing her to lay down on the bed, never breaking the kiss. Once I was on top of her, I slid my hands up her shirt. Then...well then I didn't know what to do...I let her take over.

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