Chapter 5- Oh Well

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   "Zac!!" Yelled Tori from across the hallway, "hey!"


   "What class do you have first again?" She asked as she walked by my side as I parted with Taylor. I caught his eys thought, he Smirked and  raised his eyebrows suggestively, I rolled my eyes and smiled.


   "First?! That must be hell!"

   "Yeah well, it ain't heaven that's for sure!" I laughed, glad she was with me. Luke and his "dick+bitch squad", as I liked to call them, would most likely leave me alone.

   She laughed, "Is high school ever heaven? I mean honestly."

   I laughed, "guess not but Algebra'a gotta be the worst!"

   She giggled, "luckily, I'm a sophomore so I have geometry instead" she said, saying 'geometry' in a tacky British accent.

   "Oh yeah so lucky!"

   "What was that about getting 'lucky'?!" Shouted a voice over the crowd of teenagers, making them go silent. It was Luke. My face turned dark red. "Trying to hit on my girlfriend Zachary?!"

   I tried to ignore the amount of people watching and said, "It's Zac, and no, I'm not."

   "Really? Because I didn't hear it that way." He snarled

   "He didn't! Leave him alone Luke." Said Tori.

   "No one asked you Tori!" Luke shouted, he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and walked me out of the school, no one followed.

   Once we were outside, behind the school, he pinned me against the brick wall, "I hate you, if you haven't realized!"

   "I thought you loved me. I mean I always pin my friends to walls and slap them!" I sarcastically replied with my teeth clenched.

   "Don't sass me!!" He said, taking a swing at my face. The blow impacted my face with great force. I felt blood start to pour from my lip. He busted it. The next blow was too my stomach, I groaned in pain as the wind was blown out of me.

Taylor's POV

   I was walking down the hallway when my friend, John, came running up to me.

   "TAYLOR! Taylor!" He said, sounding breathless and alarmed.

   "What? What?"

   "Zac! He...Luke took him and..." he said, trying to catch his breath.

   "ZAC?! Where? Where did he take him? Where did that bastard take him?!" I said, gripping onto his shoulders.

  "Behind the school! Go!"

   I let go of John and raced out the door. 'Where is he? Where is he?' I said over and over in my mind as I rounded the school. Behind the high school, I found my fourteen year old little brother pinned against the brick wall of the school, blood running down his face. I saw this right as Luke's knee came in contact between Zac's legs. I heard Zac yell in agony.

   "HEY! KNOCK IT OFF!!" I yelled. Luke let go of Zac's shoulders and looked in my direction. Zac fell to the ground groaning, holding the area between his legs.

   I ran up to Luke and pushed him backwards, "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I yelled as he fell to the ground.

   "Oh little Zacky's big brother here to help him out? Whatta wimp." He snickered as he got up, "fine, but you can't protect him forever Taylor" he smeared as his walked off.

   As the back of Luke's shirt disappeared I ran to my brother laying curled up in a ball groaning and whimpering in pain. I grabbed him and sat him up against the wall. Tears were falling quickly down his cheeks and blood down his neck.

   "He's gone now Zac." I said as I grabbed him into a hug, "it's over okay?"

   He nodded and whimpered. The hug lasted a long time. It had been a while since I held my brother like that; him crying on my shoulder as I tried to comfort him. Once he stopped groaning and whimpering, I let go. "We gotta get you cleaned up. C'mon I'll bring you to the nurse." I said, grabbing his arm, attempting to pull him up.

   "No..." he said quietly, "no, the n-nurse will tell mom and d-dad..."

   "You don't want mom and dad to know about this? Zac, he beat you up! A lot! And you don't want mom and dad to do anything about it?"

   "N-no. T-they only make it worse..." He said, his voice raspy.

   I contemplated it, then sighed, "Fine. I'll go get stuff from the bathroom and get you an extra shirt from your gym locker okay? Stay here, I'll be right back."

   I watched as Taylor ran away. In search of supply's to heal me a little. My face burned and throbbed. I tasted blood; salty  and fresh, pouring out of my busted lip and dripping down my neck. Sweat leaked out of every single pore in my body. Tears streamed out of my eyes, no where near stopping. But, I was alive. That's all that matters. I honestly thought he was gonna kill me. Murder me right there behind this god forsaken school. My vision was blurry. I could barley speak. But I was alive.

   I heard Taylor's light footsteps approach me. "Here, I got tons of tissues, a spare shirt, a water bottle and an ice pack from my lunch bag." He said, as he dabbed the tissues against my lip, "does that hurt a lot?"

   I shook my head 'no' and he continued dabbing. He poured some water onto one of the tissues and dabbed some more. Eventually he stopped the bleeding and started wiping the blood from my neck. Once he was done, he handed me the spare shirt. I slid my current one over my head and slipped into my new one.

   After Zac changed his shirt, I took the ice pack and placed it to the side of his face. As the ice touched his skin, he pulled back quickly. "C'mon Zac, you don't want that to swell too much do you?" He shook his head, "no" he muttered softly, almost sounding child like. So, I placed the ice pack to his bruised face. He flinched a little but quickly got over the coldness.

   I looked at my brothers state. His eyes kept drooping down which made me think that maybe he had a concussion from the multiple punches to the head.

   After about five minutes of the ice pack, I took it off his face and held up three fingers. "Zac, how many fingers am I holding up?"

   "Um..." he squinted, "three?"

   That meant if he did have a concussion it wasn't that bad. But good thing it was Friday and he could sleep all weekend if he wanted, "yeah, okay good. Your head must not be that bad" he nodded his head and I handed him the bottle of water. He drank gratefully.

   Taylor handed me the bottle of water, which I took quickly and chugged back. I really needed the water from how much I sweated. "Thanks" I said as I handed him the empty water bottle, "for everything."

   "You're my little brother, it's my job." He smiled and I smiled back. Then, we both walked back into the school, planning on getting a tarty slip. Oh well.

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