Chapter 6- Absolutly Nothing

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I got odd looks from everyone at school. Even after my lip healed and bruises faded away. I didn't know what was wrong with me! Why couldn't those kids just mind their own business? What did it matter to them if Luke beat me up? It's not like they were the ones who had to explain to their parents why half their face was swollen!

"Zac! Hey! How are you?" Tori said as she started walking beside me. It's been hard for me to hang out with Tori; all I see is her face as she told Luke to leave me alone. But she didn't do anything else. She acted like it never happened. Which in a way I guess is good so I can get away from all the prying eyes, but at the same time, I wish she showed me that it mattered to her.


I shook my head, "what?"

She laughed, "what's up with you?"

"Nothing!" I smiled, "nothing at all! I'm just a bit distracted this morning."

"Oh? Why?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired." I said, looking at her for the first time in the conversation. My brown eyes into her blue ones.

   She pushed her strawberry blonde hair behind her shoulder, "oh well maybe you should get more sleep at night!" She laughed at poked the swollen circles under my eyes.

   I laughed and swatted her hand away, "stop it", I giggled.

   "Well I gotta go, History awaits..." she said, slipping away from my side and entering her classroom.

   I continued to walk down the hall. 'Head down, Zac. Head down.' I tired to avoid all the looks I got. Some were of pity, some anger, some disgust. I tried to somehow sink into the ground and never come back up. 'Why can't I just disappear?'
   "Hey Tor! You okay?" I asked as I saw Tori walking slowly down the hallway at the end of the day.

   "No...I feel really sick...I don't know. This has been happening all week...I'm fine one minute, sick the next." She groaned.

   "Do you want me to take you to the nurse?"

   "No. My mom is taking me to the doctor after school. I'm sure I'm fine." She smiled weakly, "well, I'll see you tomorrow, Zac." And then she walked away. 'Hmmm odd'

   "Hey um...Ike?" I asked as I put my bag on my bed and sat down.

   "What's up, Zacky?"

   "Can I...maybe...use your guitar for guitar class from now on?" I timidly asked.

   "Why? What's wrong with your guitar?" He said, looking up from his book.

   "It uh...kinda broke."

   "Kinda? What happened?"

   "Luke sorta...smashed it..."

   "Ugh! I swear! That kid is gonna get it bad from me!" He growled.

   "Ike! Stop. I can handle it okay? You don't have to do anything."

   "Zac, you can't keep shutting us out like this!"

   "I'm not shutting you out! I'm asking you if I can use your guitar! That's all! Can I?" I said, becoming impatient. Why couldn't he just drop it?

   He sighed, "Yes, Zac. You can use my guitar...jeez"

   The doctors did more tests today. They've been doing tests all week. They don't know what's wrong yet. How? I don't know. Aren't they supposed to be doctors?! Aren't they supposed to help fix me?  I was silent for the whole way home from the doctors office.

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