Chapter 9- Why Me?

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   After a while of sitting in the hospital room, I took mom outside and explained everything to her. I explained about Luke and how he's been bullying Zac and that that was how Zac ended up the way he was. She asked why Luke was beating Zac up. I told her I had no idea, because it was the truth. I truly had no idea why Luke picked my little brother as his personal punching bag. All I knew was that Zac was gonna be angry I told her. He has this crazy idea that telling someone was gonna make it worse. But, what else was I suppose to do? How do you lie about that?

   Zac was allowed to leave the hospital that day and throughout the rest of that week, he got a lot better. He could talk without stuttering, although his speech was still kind of slurred and slow sometimes. He didn't get angry at the littlest things, he slept more, he stopped throwing up so much. It seemed as though he would make a full recovery, which I was extremely happy about.

   "Mom! Please don't!" I yelled

   "I have to Zac! I have to call this kids parents and tell them what their son has been up to!" She yelled back, "beating up my children...god..." she muttered to herself as she dialed the number.

   I did the only thing I could think of. I reached out and snatched the phone from my mothers hand, "Mom! You're only gonna make it worse!"

   "Zachary Walker Hanson! Give me the damn phone back!" She yelled, obviously angry at me.

   "Mom..." I said close to tears, "please don't do anything. You're only gonna make it worse...let me handle it myself..."

   "Oh yeah...'do it yourself'! Because you've been doing so great at that so far!" She sarcastically yelled.

   "Please mom..." I said softly, giving her my best puppy eyes.

   She sighed frustratedly, "Fine, Zac. But if this Luke bothers you one more time, I'm calling them." She snatched the phone from my hands and walked out of the kitchen.

   I sighed. My head hurt. I needed to sleep. I can't be screaming with mom or else the concussion would get worse.

   I got some water, downed it and walked out of the kitchen, up to the bedroom. I opened it to find Isaac sitting on his bed playing his guitar. He looked up at me.

   "Hey, how you feeling?"

   "Fine. Tired." I said, flopping onto my bed, which ended up making my head hurt more, "ouch" I muttered into my pillow.

   Isaac laughed, "That probably wasn't the smartest idea, Zacky."

   When he called me 'Zacky', flashbacks from the fight with Luke came back, "Don't call me that!" I yelled, covering my ears.

"Why...I always call you that. What's wrong?" He said, getting up and sitting on my bed.

"Nothing...I'm just tired." I muttered

Ike sighed, "okay then, I'll let you sleep..." he said as he left the room.

I sighed and closed my eyes. And the last thing I thought of before drifting off was something I've been asking myself a lot lately.

'Why me?'
Sorry this was such a small chapter. I just didn't have any other ideas on what to put in this one😬Anyway, hope you've liked the story so far and please keep reading!

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