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    Two weeks after I stopped going to public High School, I started going to a therapist and a support group. It really helped a lot, if I'm quite honest.

    I was eating more, smiling more, being...Zac. I was finally coming back to myself again. Of course, sometimes I'd get a little bit weird and slip into my depression again but only for a short amount of time. I think after something as big as attempting suicide twice, it never really goes away. I think you just learn to deal with it better.

    It was great to go to a support group and realize that there were real people with my same problem. People I could reach out and touch. And talk to. Not just some story on the news or a movie.

    Those days after jumping into the river, I realized that Taylor loved me, Isaac loved me, the rest of my family loved me, Tori loved me. And that if they could love me, so could I.

    That was something I repeated- and still do- every day.

    I can love myself just like my family does and Tori did.

    It didn't matter what people like Luke said because he didn't care about me. He didn't know me.

    And I will never be the opinion of someone who doesn't know me. Because I know me.

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