Chapter One- New Year, New Me

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   I honestly have no idea where this story is gonna go so bare with me here. I may edit it a little bit as I go along. 😬
   "Mom do I have to go?!" I whined from the kitchen table, begging my mother to change her mind.

"Yes Zac! Now that Mackie is finally starting kindergarten, and I already have my hands full with Zoe, I just can't home school you anymore!" My mom said, for what seemed like the millionth time.

"But mom, you said yourself that homeschooling is the best way to insure the best education!" I exclaimed, trying to take the 'I'm smart and know what I'm talking about' angle.

"I know. And I still believe that but if all my energy is focused on Mackie and Zoe, it won't be. I'm sorry, Zac. But you'll be going to a private school! That school has a very good educational system! I'm sure once you get used to it, you'll be okay. Plus, Taylor will be there with you. Why is he taking this better then you?"

"Because he isn't starting high school! He's finishing it! It won't matter what he does because he won't see anyone there ever again. I, on the other hand, will see these same people for four years mom! Four!" I said, holding up four fingers.

"I know, but you'll be fine, Zac. There's nothing to worry about." Mom sighed and smoothed my hair down and walked out of the kitchen.

"Nothin to worry about my ass..." I muttered when my mother was out of ear shot. I sighed as I got up from the dining room chair and walked out of the kitchen.

My brothers, sisters and I have always been homeschooled. My parents always thought it was the best way of education. That was until they couldn't keep up with it all. Now, they were sending Me and my older brother, Taylor to a private high school. My oldest brother, Isaac, was lucky and graduated high school two years ago; never having attended a real school.

I sighed and flopped on my bed in the room that Taylor, Isaac and I shared.

   " 'sup Zac?" Asked Taylor from his bed, putting down the book he was reading.

   "I don't wanna go to school..." I groaned, the sound muffled in my blue pillow.

   "Ugh, I know right? Sucks..." Taylor agreed.

   "You don't get it though!" I said, turning over onto my back, "you're you! You're gonna do fine! I'm me! I'm gonna mess it up."

   Taylor narrowed his eyes, "What's that's supposed to mean?"

   I sighed, "Tay, you're great at everything. You get straight A's every year, girls are all over you all the time, you're the caption of the soccer team...what am I? Your looser kid brother."

   "Now that's not true Zac!" Taylor said, trying to reassure me. How's that working for ya Taylor?

   "Tay, I've never even kissed a girl yet and you're not even a virgin anymore! I've never gotten straight A's before, and I suck at all sports. I think that qualifies me as a looser."

   "Zac, you're not a looser."

   "I'm not good at anything!"

   "You're good at music!" Taylor happily stated.

   "Oh yeah like that's gonna get me anywhere in high school..."

   Taylor sighed in frustration, seemed to him Zac was in a pissy mood again, "Zac, this is the last time I'm saying this: you're not a looser! You'll be fine!"

"Whatever" I sighed, closing my eyes, hoping to get school off my mind.

"I don't think I can do it, Tay." I said with my eyes wide, staring at the enormous school out of the car window.

"Zac, I've said this all weekend, YOU' LL BE FINE!" Taylor yelled. I guess I had been getting on his nerves all weekend about school. Oops.

"But I don't know if I can do it Tay! What if I can't get my locker open? What if I'm late to my first class? What if I-"

Taylor slapped his hand over my mouth, "Zac, shut up before I rip your face off! You'll be fine! Look, I'm just as nervous as you are! But I'm not complaining and I'm gonna face it because what other choice do I have? Now let's go." Taylor said, grabbing his backpack from the back seat.

I opened the passenger seat door, slid on my backpack and stepped out of the car.

We walked up to the front door. I took a deep breath and followed my older brother inside.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped when I saw the amount of teens in just the lobby of the school. Taylor and I walked to the front office to pick up our schedules. I let Taylor do all the talking.

"Hi! I'm Taylor Hanson, this is my brother, Zachary Hanson and we're new here. Could we get our schedules please?" Taylor asked in a sweet voice.

   The office lady smiled kindly, "of course!" She said, turning back to her computer, "Hanson...Hanson...Hanson..." she muttered to herself, "oh! Zachary and Taylor, right?" Taylor nodded, "okay..." She clicked a few more buttons then handed us our schedules, "there you go boy's, I can get someone to show you around the school if you want."

   I opened my mouth to reject the offer but Taylor spoke first, "yes, that'd be a big help thank you"

   The lady nodded and stepped out into the hallway in search of finding a tour guide for us. When she was out of sight I elbowed Taylor in the ribs,

   "Ow! Hey!"

   "Tay! what the hell?! Why'd you do that?!" I said angrily.

   "What? Maybe we can make friends out of it!"

   I rolled my eyes, 'Always the optimist...' I thought to myself. Just then, a tall boy with short brown hair walked in along with a girl that had long strawberry blonde hair at his left side and the office lady at his right.

   The office lady spoke, "Okay, Taylor Zachary, this is Luke Nathan and Tori Roberts. They said they'd be happy to show you around."

I looked at the boy, 'Luke', as the office lady called him. He had a grin on his face but it didn't look like a friendly one. 'Well so much for friends' I thought. Then I looked at the girl, 'Tori', she smiled at me as I looked over at her. She seemed nice enough.

   "Alright well I'll leave you to it!" The office lady said cheerfully, "I'm Amanda Wells, if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask!" Mrs. Wells walked back into her office and left the four of us staring at each other awkwardly.

   After a few awkward seconds, Tori spoke up, "okay well, how about I take Taylor around and you take Zachary" she said to Luke.

   "Fine by me. C'mon, lets go, Zachary." He said as he emphasized my name.

   'Oh I love him already...' I thought sarcastically to myself as I rolled my eyes, "Just call me Zac." I said to both of them.

   "Nice to meet you Zac." Tori said, shaking my hand. I smiled.

   "Nice to meet you too" I said as I went off with Luke and Taylor went with Tori.

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