The Vampire Bodyguard - Chapter One.

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 Hey, my first story, its not edited so there may be a few mistakes, sorrrrrrrry.

Im not so good at writing but i thought i'd give it a go.

Tell me what you think :P even if you hate it :P i can handle that :P

haha x


My dad being the human governor for the vampire community meant he was one of a hand full of humans who knew that they existed. He was very important; he helped hide their kind and helped them try to live as humanly, alongside the humans as they possibly could, going unnoticed. I of course found out about them when I was younger, when an older vampire got mad whilst in a meeting at our mansion, I saw his fangs, I was of course terrified of them. Dad being in a high place and only a human, has bodyguards, vampire bodyguards that protect him and me and my mum. Dad being who he is has made us a lot of money, and well known in the vampire community, which sometimes isn’t so good, some not so nice vampires that want to take over the human race threaten us, our family, as were in their way.

I heard a knock on my door and softly spoke “Yeah?” mine and my mothers personal helper, Mary poked her head through the door, she was often the person I talked to about things I couldn’t discuss with my parents she was also the only human help around this house, she’s probably the only person I could call a friend, if it even counts. “Jade, your parents want to speak to you downstairs?” I rolled my eyes sighing slightly, Mary smiled opening the door wider “Come on” I hopped of my double bed and looked down at my shorts and strap top. I grabbed my dressing gown and pulled it on, Mary shaking her head “It’s only your parents” I nodded pulling my gown tighter and whispered “Yeah and the bodyguards” She chuckled slightly “There lovely!” I nodded “Yeah, and they drink blood for nutrition, is it any wonder I want to cover my veins from them?” Mary rolled her eyes “They drink animal blood” I huffed “Yeah and I eat salad, but if I see that wondrous chocolate muffin walking past me I might be tempted to take a chunk” Mary laughed “Come on, down we go.” I walked down the stairs walking past Graham, an older vampire bodyguard who was my mother’s personal bodyguard, he looked to be in his thirties but I knew he was well over a century. He smirked when he saw me “Still scared were going to rip your veins out?” I squinted my eyes, folding my arms “Well Graham, if you ever got the urge to drink my blood, one would hope you wouldn’t rip my veins out, you’d be gentle.” He laughed slightly “Of course Miss Whitner.” I nodded and carried on walking to the big doors guarded by yet another vampire, Colin who was also about the same age as Graham, he nodded and I nodded walking in, shutting the door behind me.

I saw my mum primed to perfection sat next to my father on our expensive sofa smiling expectantly. My mother shook her head slightly “Jade, could you not have gotten changed?” I frowned and sat in front of my parents “Mum all I do is stay in the house, what’s the point?” she sighed quietly “Well we need to talk to you about something dear?” I smiled “I guessed that mother, that is why I am sat here.” She frowned “Do you have to be so sarcastic all of the time?” I smiled and nodded “It’s just who I am mother, so what did you want to talk about?” that is when my dad sat forward with a concerned look on his face, which made me focus a tiny bit more “Jade, dear you know we get a lot of threats? Being who we are it-” before he could finish I interrupted “Dad, I know you have told me many times? I understand.” He nodded “Ok well, just listen, lately the threats have been getting, well... very disturbing, especially from a certain group of rogues.” I nodded “I understand, I know the dangers dad?” He nodded “Well, I know you are 16 and I know you want to go to college away from here next month-” again I cut in “Yes, I cannot wait, to live a real life, away from this house, make friends and be normal for once” I had a grin on my face until I saw my parents faces, oh no…they wouldn’t. “Look Jade we-” I stood up balling my tiny fists…yes I was small, about 5ft 4, but I was not weak. “NO. Dad you promised. You promised I could have a normal college life.”

He looked down then towards my mother who then spoke “Look…lately the threats have become a lot more focused, on you… we don’t want anything to happen, it’s too risky…and you won’t take anyone with you and your damn set on staying down there and we can’t have that Jade.” I sat back down looking out the window tears forming in my eyes “Well I might as well be dead. My life has no meaning; I’m just locked up in here all day every day.” My dad frowned “Look, Jade if you weren’t so stubborn about security and the help we offer maybe this would be different.” I frowned then turned towards them in hope “Wait if I take someone I could go? Can I take Mary?” My mother laughed “Yes, ha-ha and if someone tried to hurt you, I’m sure Mary would kick a vampires-” my dad interrupted her this time “No, vampire security, bodyguards.” I frowned crossing my arms “Dad, I will not blend in, have a normal college experience if I have scary looking men on each arm?” he shook his head “Ok, look what if we had a few acting as students? They could pretend they attended your college, be in the same lessons, a dorm room next door. And we just have a few scattered for the far away bodyguards, you wouldn’t even notice them and nor will anyone else?” I frowned “Dad? How many bodyguards?” He looked to be thinking for a second then answered “Let’s say four far away and 3 students undercover?” I sat with my mouth open “Dad? No way. How about just one undercover and that’s it?” My dad answered firmly “No Jade. I am not risking your safety, I’m sorry, I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you.” I frowned “And I will never forgive you for making my life so worthless, I have no friends, no social life I have nothing dad, we may have all the money in the world but it doesn’t make me happy, sat in my room doing nothing talking with no one doesn’t make me happy.” A tear slipped down my cheek and I brushed it away and I stood up and walked out slamming the door behind me.

Stalking towards the huge front door of our mansion which I knew would have to huge vamps on the outside. I went to get the handle when I felt the presence of someone behind me and I saw a hand holding the handle in front of me from opening. “Miss, I’m sorry I can’t allow you to go outside, it is not safe and you are upset” I looked up to Graham who didn’t look like he enjoyed doing this. I wiped my tears and begged with my eyes “Graham just let me get some air, please?” He frowned looking slightly concerned “I’m sorry Miss…I can’t let you out…strict orders.” I punched the door again, and again until Graham took hold of my hands gently “Jade, please stop, you’ll hurt yourself.” I pulled away and started towards the stairs running up, into my white boring room. And fell onto my bed sobbing.


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 only if you waaaaant of course.

It will get better and jucier pwomissssssssssssssssse


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