The Vampire Bodyguard - Chapter Five.

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Helllllo, i am SO sorry its been so long!
I've had so many exams to do. sorry this is only a short chappie but i'll be uploading more often from now on i hope :) If your still reading my story, then thank you so mucccch!

Sorry its not edited.


Please Votttttteeeeeee and fan if u can :)


Jade’s POV.

This was finally it, I was finally leaving this house, this world I’d been stuck in for my whole life, I was going into reality! I couldn’t contain the butterflies in my stomach; I was so scared but so excited and I couldn’t stop shaking. I went down the stairs to see my dad having some final words with Josiah. I walked into the kitchen to see my mother. “Jade, you will leave soon, are you sure you’re ready for this, you’re still so young and you won’t be as safe.” I smiled “I know mum, but I’m ready, you have no idea how much I want this. I’ll be fine.” She forced a smile “I know you will be safe. Josiah will keep you safe. Also I have allowed you to take a certain someone you know as one of your far away guards.” I frowned, “Who?” that’s when I saw Graham out of the corner of my eye, me and him have a argumentative relationship, he is one of the only guards we have here that I can talk to and that makes me smile. I smiled then forced and frown on my face “Oh…Graham? But mum I hate Graham” Graham smirked and stepped towards me and my mother. I smiled as he spoke “Oh that is why I am coming, I couldn’t possibly let you go somewhere that won’t have someone like me there to irritate you now and again!” I smirked “That’s true. I suppose I can’t have it all hey” that’s when Josiah appeared through the door “The car is here, if you’re ready?” He said it looking at me with no emotion on his face, I sighed in my head, this should be fun he acts like a 90 year old around me. I nodded and Graham smiled “Let’s go then, Miss.” I smiled and turned to my mother “I guess I’ll see you at half term.” She smiled “Phone me when you can, if you ever need to come home you know you can whenever, if it’s not for you?” I smiled “Mum it will be fine and I’ll call you as often as I can ok?” I hugged her quickly and left out the door following Josiah, Graham following after me. I got to the front door where my dad was stood smiling looking concerned. I walked up to him and hugged him “Stop worrying, I’ll be fine, I have 3 guards! One of which will be close to me constantly no one will be able to hurt me dad.” He smiled and held my face in my hands “Be safe, have fun and ring me whenever you can ok?” I smiled “Of course I will” he kissed my cheek and then put his arm around me as he turned to Josiah “Look after my daughter.” Josiah nodded and replied sternly “I will guard her with my life.” My dad nodded and I rolled my eyes shaking my head slightly towards Josiah “Yeah, we’ll talk about that later” I kissed my dad on the cheek before making my way towards the car. I sat in and smiled to myself as Josiah climbed in next to me. I was on my way to my new life. I let out a long breath as the car started and we were on our way.


“So when you said you would guard me with your life.” Josiah nodded, still not having talked to me for the past hour we have been driving. “Well I don’t like that; I wouldn’t want you to risk your life just to protect me.” Josiah frowned “Well that’s my job so it doesn’t really matter that you don’t like it.” I sighed “Look don’t talk to me like that and then say you’d basically die for me, I know it’s your job, I get that but your making me out to be some spoilt princess you have to save! I don’t want to be saved if it were up to me I’d be driving myself to college with no bodyguards and no money. But I can’t do that. So please stop making me feel even worse than I already do about it. And if there is ever a situation where you feel your risking your life to save me; then don’t. Think about it, why would you risk your life to save someone you don’t even know-” he interrupted me with a look on his face which told me I should shut up and listen “Yes, I would risk my life because I am getting paid a lot of money and that’s my job, so maybe I don’t want to save some spoilt girls life, but that’s what I’m here to do. So how about you stop talking to me like we are going to be friends and let me do what I’m actually here to do.” I was taken aback. I haven’t been spoken to like that and I realised that that’s what I have to deal with, I’m not John’s little girl anymore I have to deal with real things. I nodded and looked out the window silently crying a little inside. But I’d never show him that.

Josiah’s POV

I literally shouted at her. I needed her to know, she had to know that I can’t be friends with her, that it never works out. It always ends badly. I was doing this, acting this way for her own protection and if I have to be mean and the bad cop in this to keep her safe and do my job. I would.

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