Chapter Nine; The Neighbors

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Shawn had probably carried you up back on the room, as he went on to bed, because you woke up in your room with Shawn right beside you.

You sat up. Rubbing your eyes, you got up and turned off the fan. Shawn heard the fading sound of the fan turning off so he opened one eye and saw you.

"Hey Brooke, what're you doing up so early..?"

You didn't know what to say, so you just shrugged. You sat back on the bed and Shawn leaned towards you.

"You okay? I know it's rough. It'll be okay" he whispered."

"I'm okay.. I'm gonna get on the computer and see what's up" you replied quietly as you trudged over to the computer.

Shawn sighed. He got up and walked over to you and put his hands around you, watching the screen as you tapped and clicked and typed.

"You see what's up, I'll go make breakfast" Shawn said, opening the bedroom door.

"Wait, where's Elliot and Layla sleeping?" you said as your eyes still glued to the screen.

"Oh, they're in that guess bedroom that we had nothing to use it for" Shawn replied.

"Oh, okay".

Shawn smiled as he walked through the door, went downstairs and opened the fridge, grabbing the eggs and pulling out a pan from out under the counter.

"I think I'll go wake Elliot.." you muttered to yourself, walking down the stairs.

You walked over to the guest bedroom and saw Elliot, fast asleep with Layla next to her.

"Ell? Get up, we're making breakfast, sleepyhead."

"5 more minutes.." Elliot groaned as she put the pillow over her head, but the smell of eggs and bacon woke her up. Elliot got up, woke Layla up and came into the kitchen, and there was Shawn, making everyone breakfast.

He fixed the plates and put them on the tabke, before we could sit down, someone knocked on the door.

"Hello?" A grown man's voice called from outside the door.

Shawn paused, and looked through the peephole, and it appeared to be our neighbors. Shawn opened the door.

"Oh, Hello Mr. Harmon."

"Ahem.. hello, Shawn" he replied.

"What're you doing here, Mr?"

"Just checking in for any.. infected" Mr Harmon smirked.

"Well, this is an infected free zone.." Shawn said as he kind of angrily shut the door, sighing. Then he walked back to the table and sat everyone down to eat breakfast.

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