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Fading-An energy based form of teleportation.
Fear Amplification-The ability to amplify another beings fear.
Fear Projection-A powerful ability to project others fear into reality.It is associated with Fear Amplification.
Fireballs-The ability to generate balls of fire.
Fire Breathing-The ability to emit fire from ones mouth.
Fire Throwing-The ability to throw streams of fire from the hands.
Flaming-A fire-based form of teleportation,mostly used by upper-level demons.
Flame-Fading-A type of teleportation.A combination of flaming and fading.
Flight-An advanced form of Levitation.It allows the user to fly high and control the direction they go to.
Floating-The ability to rise a few centimeters/inches off the ground and float around.
Force Blasts-The ability to generate blasts of force that send the target flying through the air.
Force Fields-The ability to control a shield of great amount of concentrated force.

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