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Sand Manipulation-The ability to create and control sand.
Sand Teleportation-A from of teleportation in which the user disappears in a whirling sandstorm.
Scrying-One of the basic abilities of a witch,the ability to search with a crystal to find a lost witch,demon,or human.
Sense Stealing-The ability to take away someone's else's senses and use it for oneself.
Sensing-The ability to sense the location of other people.
Shadow Blasts-The ability to fire powerful blasts of shadows.
Shadow Manipulation-The ability to generate and manipulate shadows to various effects.
Shapeshifting-The ability to change the physical form or shape of the body.
Shimmering-The ability to teleport with a blurry 'shimmer', mostly used by demons.
Shredding-A from of teleportation that allows the user to disperse their molecules one place and reform elsewhere.
Shrinking-The power to shrink someone's physical size.
Sleep Induction-The power to put others to sleep with the wave of the hand or via a potion.
Smoke Secretion-The ability to produce gas or smoke.
Smoke-Fading-A form of teleportation that is a combination of Smoking and Fading.
Smoke-Whirling-A from of teleportation that is a combination of smoking and whirling.
Smoking-A smoke-based form of teleportation.
Sonic Scream-The ability to generate vocal sounds of a higher amplitude than a normal human, often to such high levels it can be
lethal or highly destructive.
Soul Absorption-The ability to absorb the souls of the dead.
Soul Blasting-The ability to fire a blast of lighting-like energy that can extract the souls of other beings.
Soul Containment-The ability to contain souls of the dead in crystals,balls of white energy or fire.
Sound Wave Emission-The ability to send out intense waves of sound from one's body.
Sparkling-The ability to teleport surrounded by tiny lights or sparks.
Spell Casting-The ability to cast spells.
Spiralization-An energy-based form of teleportation used exclusively by wizards.
Spirit Absorption-An ability used by incorporeal beings to feed on spirits for survival.
Spirit Dominion-The ability to have control over spirit.
Spirit Writing-The ability to write messages from the afterlife through orbs.
Strangulation-The energy-based power that allows the user to cause the victim suffocation.
Suggestion-The ability to plant thoughts into the mind of another, bending them to your will.
Summoning-The ability to conjure a being into the users vicinity.
Super Strength-The power of having magically augmented magically strength and stamina.
Swallowing-The ability to consume and transfer one to a different place,dimension or plane.

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