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Particle Swarm-The power to fire a swarm of burning particles that can vanquish the victim.
Petrification-The ability to turn beings or objects into stone.
Photokinesis-The ability to produce and manipulate light.
Plasma Balls-The ability to throw balls of plasma energy.
Portal Creation-The ability to open portals to parallel worlds,dimensions,or planes.
Possession-The ability to control living beings by entering their body.
Potion Making-The ability to make potions.
Power Absorption-The ability to absorb the power of the killed victims.Its a rare ability.
Power Containment-The ability to store and contain powers in white sphere,magical containers or other beings.
Power Extraction-The ability to temporarily strip magical powers from other beings without absorbing the power.
Power Granting-The ability to grant powers to another being.
Power Manipulation-The ability to manipulate magical powers in various ways.
Power Mimicry-The ability to permanently copy a witch powers and abilities,if the are used on you.
Power Negation-The ability to prevent the powers of others activate when the user wants to use them.
Power Replication-The ability to temporarily copy and use the powers to another being.
Power Stripping-A ability to temporarily or permanently ently strip ones power.
Power Swapping-The ability to swap the powers of two individuals.
Premonition-The ability to receive a vision about the future or past of an object or person,with or without touching them or those.
Pressurization-The ability to induce highly pressure on someone's skull.
Projection-The ability to project a desire to reality.
Projective Invisibility-The ability to make people and object invisible.
Projective Levitation-The ability to levitate other people and objects.
Psychic Echo-Connected to the power of premonition a psychic Echo is when two psychics are physically and mentally connected.
Psychic Reflection-The ability to channel a persons emotions and memories the reflect them back onto their mind;overloading their mind. An advanced aspect of Empathy.
Psychokinesis-The ability to move objects that are not in ones line of sight,much stronger than telekinesis.
Pyrokinesis-The ability to generate and control fire.
Pyrotechnics-The ability to produce fireworks.

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