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Laser Bolts-The ability to generate darts of electromagnetic radiation that can burn the target upon contact.
Levitation-The ability to rise into the air and float in apparent defiance of gravity.
Life Draining-The ability to drain the life force out of someone.
Light Darts-The ability to generate tiny,small darts of energy that burn the target upon contact.
Lighting Teleportation-The ability to teleport through lighting.
Liquification-The ability to change into water momentarily.
Literary Manipulation-The power to absorb all information a book contains.
Love Dust- The ability to throw pink dust that brings lust upon the victim.This ability is used by Cupids and Cupid-Witches.
Luck Granting-The ability to grant luck or bad luck to others.

Charmed PowersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora