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Rage Projection-The ability to enrage others by magnifying their anger.
Rainbow Teleportation-A form of teleportation through a rainbow used by leprechauns.
Reality Warping-The ability to manipulate reality according to your desires.
Reconstitution-The ability to be reformed again after being vanquished.
Regeneration-The ability to heal rapidly from any injury,the rate of recovery depends on how strong the user is.
Releasing Repression-The ability to tap into other people's repressed emotions and absorb it,freeing the suppressed emotions.
Remote Beaming-The ability to send and call another person to and from a specific location instead of having to beam with them.
Remote Orbing-The ability to send and call another person to and from a specific location instead of having to orb with them.
Remote Sparkling-The ability to teleport surrounded by tiny lights or sparks other people from one place to another without touching them.
Remote Teleportation-The ability to teleport other people from one place to another.

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