Chapter 1

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Hellu everyone. ^^ finally the first chapter of my new story. I decided that even though I'd wanted to finish Shadow before I post anything else, the urge to write doesn't always want to follow the easy route. So, I started this. It's only going to be a small story, just a peek into a relationship that's part of a much larger story. The twins were always my favorite characters in the story so I wanted to write their background and how they ended up together.

Also! I added a pic of Alex. I didn't go looking for a celebrity to play a part, I went looking for a picture that suited the character. Edited!

♥ Alex ♥

    It was so hard not to let out a giggle. Reaching out I brushed my finger over Alec's foot again, watching it twitch and a groan leave him. I reached out again, smirking as I touched his foot. A cry of surprise left me when my wrist was grabbed and I was yanked up onto the bed. I found myself pinned to the bed, my brother glaring down at me with eyes as black as night from their normal dark blue. Even being twins didn't mean everything was alike. My own eyes for example are lighter blue. "Happy to see me?" I asked with a grin, lifting my hips to grind against the bulge in his boxers.
    "No." he replied without hesitation, a slow smirk spreading across his face when pain showed on my face. Alec had a bit of a sadistic streak. He was such a closed book it was hard to read him, let alone try and figure out what he was thinking.
    "Whatever," my voiced came out in a whisper as I looked away from him. "Mom told me to come and get you up so we aren't late to school again." I struggled a bit, but was unable to budge Alec. Even as skinny as the damn guy looked he was still unmovable at times. We always joked that he was the shield to my stupidity. If I was the mouth than he was the fist.
    "Alex." I hesitated before turning my gaze back to him. My eyes widened a little when his lips brushed my own, a blush following. "Good Morning." he whispered in my ear before he was climbing from the bed and moved into our shared bathroom. I lay stunned until the sound of the shower startled me. Why did he kiss me? He hadn't figured out had he? Alec had never been the affectionate type. Getting a kiss from him was like...finding the Holy Grail.
    I sat for a minute longer, trying to decide if he'd figured out that my love for him ran deeper than the love for any brother should have run. I sat on his bed long enough to have Alec emerge in only his towel and still damp from his shower. I'd already had mine and was dressed. Mother left waking Alec to me since I was the only one he ever responded to.
    When Alec started to reach for his towel I cleared my throat and lunged for the door. I stopped in the hall, glaring over my shoulder at Alec who stood laughing as he closed his door behind me.
    I stood stunned for a minute before moving downstairs with a small huff. "Oh! Alex, did you wake your brother?"
    "Yes, Mother."
    "Is he getting ready?"
    "Yes, Mother."
    "He needs to hurry so you two aren't late to school."
    "Yes Mother, he's getting dressed now." I paused on my way to the table and snatched up my cell phone. I raised my brow when I saw there was a text. Flipping open my phone I checked to see who it was. A smile spread across my face when I saw Nate's name. Pressing the view button I opened the message to see what he had to say.
    Hey, Lameass, dt frgt u & r psycho bro r pkg me up. Ur alrdy l8!
    I know Nate. We'll be there in like 20. And stop txting like a retard.
    WTF square. Good. Btr not frgt me B!T*H
    I laughed, shaking my head as I stuffed my phone into my backpack so I wouldn't forget it like I sometimes did if it wasn't in my pocket, hand or bag. I'm forgetful, what can I say? If my head wasn't attached it would've floated out on me years ago.
    I smiled at my step dad when he finally wandered into the kitchen, suited up and ready for his high priced lawyer job. Ian and my mom had gotten together while she was still pregnant with me and Alec. Even though she'd given Ian the chance to claim us as his, he'd refused. Now don't go thinking dick just yet. He did it because he didn't want to replace our real father. He'd said that even though it didn't work out between mom and dad it didn't mean he wasn't our father. Not that mom could've gotten rid of dad that easily anyway. You see, me and my brother are special. And if our dad wasn't around to teach us what to do with being special than we'd probably have burned a school down a long time ago.
    Special you ask. Alec and I are half demons with everything that comes with being fully demon. The reason why a half-breed is so special? Because our father is a Lucifer. A high demon of hell. Though he likes to be called Lucas. He says there's too many Lucifer's running around downstairs and it gets confusing. I guess it's a popular name or something. Whatever. Who cares what goes on down there. It's not like I planned on going until I die.
    "Morning Ian." I gave him a smile as I hopped to my chair and dropped into it.
    "Good morning...Uh, Alex." he said after a small hesitation. Even after knowing us our whole lives he still had trouble telling us apart. Mostly because we changed our hair style every couple months.
    I blinked at him, staring for a minute before laughing as I piled a couple pancakes, bacon and eggs onto my plate. "Just remember I have light eyes." I said, pointing my syrup covered fork at my eyes. I'd started to dig in when Alec finally wandered in dressed and ready to go. I turned my attention to my food to keep from staring at him. It didn't help, I could feel his eyes on me as he put his food on his plate.
    "You'll both have to hurry so you're no late."
    "Yeah and we have to pick up Nate's lazy ass because he's on the way and he doesn't want to walk."
    "Alex, language." mother hissed out, glaring at me a little.
    When we finished I jumped up and raced out the door with bag in hand. Alec wandered out after me, fiddling with his keys before opening the doors. Yeah, how shitty is that. My twin, who's the same age as me just a minute older, can have a car. All because he managed to pass the damn test and get his license. Yeah. Woohoo. He passed. I could've passed too. If I hadn't backed the car into a couple trash cans and the plowed into a parked car. Long story short. There was a freakin raccoon in the car and it was all blamed on me. So not cool. It's not my fault my teacher didn't see the damn thing.
    Alec pulled to a stop in front of Nate's house, leaning on the born as we both waited for him to come out. The door opened a couple minutes later and Nate bound from the house with his bag slung over his shoulder. "Mornin' bitches." he said as he bounced into the backseat.
    "Nathaniel, if you call me bitch one more time, you can get your lazy, skinny ass back out and walk to school." Alec hissed out, causing both Nate and me to stare in shock. Alec usually didn't say anything until lunch and even then it wasn't more than 'I'm hungry' or 'Not hungry'.
    "Wow. That was a full sentence Alex. Your brother is evolving." Nate said with a laugh. We were both still giggling a little by the time Alec pulled into a spot and climbed out. He left us at the car as he strode away. "Geez, what crawled up his butt and died?"
    "Nothing. Alec isn't bottom material." Which sent us into another fir of laughter.
    "So weird picturing him as a bottom. He's too much of.....a guy for it."
    "Who's he dating this week anyway?" I asked with a small frown.
    "He's your bother Alex, you should know this."
    "I don't keep up with his toys."
    "Uh, well I think it's Jessica. You know, the skank cheerleader who's trying to make her closet case jockstrap boyfriend jealous."
    "You mean ex-boyfriend."
    "Really? I thought they were still dating. Wouldn't be the first time. She's opened her legs more than a porn star." Nate said with a small snort and snickered a little with me. He shook his head as he started to walk into the school. "Yeah, she tried that crap on me. I told her I didn't touch diseases."
    I laughed and shook my head as I nudged him. "You're such a dick. What'd she do?"
    "Bitch slapped me twice over."
    "Ouch. Why didn't I see this? We're always together."
    "It was this weekend at the party. That you refused to go to because you didn't want to see your dear brother locking tonsils with Olivia."
    I frowned, chewing a little on my left snake bite piercing. "Yeah well..wait. When did he get with Jessica then?"
    "When Olivia called him a manwhore for trying to feel her up. She slapped him and ran off. Jessica swooped in like a freakin vulture." he said with a laugh.
    "I can't believe I missed all this slapping! Sonovapitch. Of course I miss the party with all the damn drama."
    "Yeah man. You screwed up big time. I should've recorded it. Could've sold it for millions to a TV drama.
    "Ugh!" I groaned out, bumping my head against my locker. "I can't believe this! I should've known there'd be drama with Alec there. Since he can't keep it in his pants, drama always follows." yeah, as if it wasn't so painful watching him drop his pants for anyone who went up to him and asked, I would've gone. "I'm so annoyed now." I growled out as I yanked open the locker and shoved my bag inside.
    "Chill. There'll be plenty more parties Alex. It's only the fifth week of school. I hear Michael Anderson is throwing one this weekend. His parties are always awesome."
    "Yea, I think I'll suck up the pain and deal with this one."
    "Dude! Just tell him you have the hots for him."    
    "Nate, I don't know what drugs you're on, but how do you think you'd tell your semi-straight manwhore brother you have a crush on him? And why're you cheering me on? You should be disgusted by this."
    "What can I say, Misty is rubbing off on me. Wait, semi-straight?"
    "Yeah. Okay, we need to cut back on the time you two spend together. She's rubbing off on you and it's freaking me out."
    "What? Oh come on. She's like your biggest supporter. Always telling you to march up and plant a giant, spit swapping, breath taking fren..."
    "Okay!" I threw up my hands to stop him. "You're seriously freakin me out now. You are straight right?"
    "Umm, Duh."
    "We'll act like it. And seriously, less bonding time with Misty."
    "But, I like her." he whined out, grabbing his books and hurried to catch up with me.
    "Whaa. So, you going to ask her out?"    
    "Are you kidding? She's like in love with you." he said with a small snort.
    "Really? Come on Nate. That's a lame ass excuse."
    "It isn't an excuse. It's true. She's so obsessed with trying to get you and your brother together I'm non-existent."
    "Okay. I need to talk with her. Just because I like him doesn't mean he will ever feel the same. It's the same thing holding me back from telling him. He might start thinking I'm disgusting."
    "Alex, he has no right to think that. Not with what he does on a daily basis."
    "Okay Nate, I don't think you and Misty are understanding me. Normal people think these feelings I have are wrong."
    "I guess. But you guys are twins. You've been together since conception and he's always there protecting you after you open your fat mouth."
    "Hey! Just go to class already." I reached out and gave him a shove, narrowing my eyes. "And are you sure you're really straight?" I called after him, smiling when he shot me a glare over his shoulder. I turned the corner and started down the hall to class. I'd barely slipped through the door before the jock straps had their eyes on me. Perfect. I lifted my head, smiling at the small group lounging around the table before class started. I winked when one of the guys glared.
    "Fag." he snarled out as he stood and stepped toward me. His hands shot out and shoved me into the table behind me. "Get the hell away."
    "Aww, Michael, you know you want me. I think it's time you step out of your closet."
    He growled out and lifted his fist. I didn't even flinch. I knew I didn't have to worry about getting hit. Michael's fist stopped a couple inches from my face before he was shoved back into the table. Alec stood glaring at him, hands fisted at his side. No matter who he was dating that week, Alec was always there. Michael's buddies jumped up and moved forward.
    "Okay! Come on Alec." I grabbed his wrist and started to tug until he finally started to move away to our table. "Geez Alec, you only had to get him to back off. Not go into full on fight mode." I went silent at the glare he shot me. Thoroughly cowed into silence I dropped into my chair as the bell rang and didn't say a word the rest of the period. Something that's never happened before today.

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