Chapter 5

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XD Okay, so I finally wrote a chap! Yay. And then the most amazing thing happened. I spilled coffee on it >< Stupid vanilla mocha bi...anyway, I was in my bathroom putting the dryer to it for like twenty minutes getting weird looks from my Gps (grandparents). XD yeah, who wants to tell their Gps their drying a very important page of a story about two brothers who fall in love right?
Also, this is the chapter you'll get a glimpse at the main character of the story this is a ...knock off from. XD The one I'm still trying to get my co-author to sit down and write with me >< Elusive lil bi....friend that she is.

Moving on. Pic of Misty...Because I can! Edited!

★ Alec ★

I pulled my car to a stop in front of our house ten minutes later and had started to get out until I realized Alex wasn't moving. "What?"
"Where's mom and Ian's car?" Alex asked as he looked back at me.
"They left Friday afternoon. Ian's sister had her kid." I raised a brow as a 'what-a-coincidence look' crossed Alex's face.
"When're they going to be back?"
"Tomorrow" I let out a laugh when the look appeared again, cleaning my throat though as it turned into a glare.
"You did this on purpose."
"Yea, I urged Silvia to have a baby." I rolled my eyes as I climbed from the car and started toward the passenger side. I caught Alex's arm as he tried to bolt. Sighing a little I locked up my car and started to drag him toward the house with me. I didn't let go of his arm until we were locked away in my room. I didn't bother turning on the lights, the soft blue glow of my monitor power button giving me more than enough to see by. Alex still swayed a little though I could tell he was already starting to sober up. The perks of being a demon spawn. I raised a brow when his breathing hitched as I started to reach for him.
"Alec," he whispered out, starting to step back. He stopped when I touched his cheek. "What do you want?" he whispered out, hands moving to my chest when I pressed closer.
"You," I breathed out against his lips as I leaned in. "Only ever you." I felt his hands fist in my shirt before his lips were pressing against mine. The way my body reacted to his, it felt like my first time all over again. The difference was that I didn't have to hold back with Alex. He knew what I was. What we both were. I pulled back from him, tugging my shirt over my head before I started to back him toward the bed. His shirt joined mine by the time the back of his knees hit the bed and I nudged him so he'd sit.


"Alec, it's too warm." Alex groaned out. I felt his hands pushing at my chest. "Get ooooofffff." he growled out. The bed moved as he started to wiggle around, trying to drag himself off the bed and out from under me. I smirked, arms snaking around him to drag him back against me. "Seriously Alec, I'm sweating here.
"Wonder why." I mumbled into his hair as I nuzzled into him. I licked at his neck, grinning when he shivered.
"Shut up and get off. I want to shower."
"Can I come?"
"No." I grunted when Alex shoved hard, slipping away. He was out of the room before I could voice my complaint. It took me a minute to realize he was embarrassed by last night. I laid there watching the door to the bathroom we shared. I smiled at the thought that such an outspoken person was embarrassed by this. It was adorable in a way. When Alex didn't return after his shower I figured he'd retreated to his room to dress. It was probably for the better though, our parents were home. I could hear our mother calling for us. With a sigh I pulled myself from bed and started into the bathroom for my own shower.
I made my way downstairs when I'd dressed, finding everyone in the kitchen. Ian sat at the table drinking his coffee and reading the Sunday paper. Alex sat next to him looking through our camera at the pictures of the baby while mother talked about the night. Alex broke in every couple words to ask questions. When I stepped into the kitchen Alex looked at me and then away quickly, a small flush appearing. Leave it to our mother to notice since Alex was such an open book. Luckily she thought it was something else.
"Are you two still fighting?" she asked, frowning at both of us. She held a spatula in one hand and the measuring cup with pancake batter in the other. "I've never known you two to fight this long. Was it really bad?"
"No, it's fine mom," Alex said with a smile. "We're not fighting anymore. We came to an...understanding."
Mom frowned at him a little, staring before she gave a nod. "I see. Well, that's good then." she smiled and turned back to the stove. Leave it to mom to be happy about putting something unpleasant out of mind and forgotten. I looked toward the front door down the hall when the doorbell rang.
"I got it." I said as I turned and headed down the hall. I frowned when Alex shoved me into the wall and darted toward the door. Probably expecting it to be his friends. I stepped up as he opened the door and we both froze at the sight that greeted us.
Ian of course wasn't our real father, but he was as good as. He'd been with our mother since before our birth. But that hadn't stopped our real father from being in our lives. He visited about once a month, sometimes longer. He'd told our mother it was just to check up and see how we were doing. And it sort of was. But that was only part of the reason. The real reason behind the visits was because he wanted to make sure we hadn't f-ed up and let people find out what we were.
"Hello Lucas." I said with a small nod. He raised a brow at me before letting out a small snort.
"Alec," he said a slow smile appearing. "Alex." It amazed me he knew who was who when he'd never been around long enough to bother learning about his own kids. But I guess that was expected of a demon.
"Long time no see," Alex said with a smile. "To what do we owe this unexpected pleasure?"
"Smartass." Lucas said with a small growl. "Let me in, I want to get this over with." he started to step forward, but stopped when Alex didn't step aside. "Today isn't a day to push my buttons Alex." he said lowly, a small hiss to his voice. I reached out, glaring at Lucas as I pulled Alex back and out of the way. Lucas stood staring, a small frown forming. "I was wondering when it would happen. Just remember to keep your hands to yourselves in public or you'll risk losing your control." he muttered to us as he stepped inside.
Alex and I stood stunned. He couldn't know. Then again, I wouldn't put it past him. Alex frowned as he closed the odor. "Mom, Lucas is here." he called out.
"And just because I know doesn't mean I'm okay with it." he said as he moved past us toward the kitchen. "Ian." he said with a small smile in the way of a greeting. That single word dripped with so much dislike it was almost as good as Lucas calling Ian a couple choice words.
Ian looked up from his paper and smiled. As much as his own dislike for the other showed, he was much nicer about it. "Hello Lucas, how have you been?"
"Well though. Ann Marie." he said, giving her a smile. It seemed like Lucas was only ever nice to her. The only reason being he was a charmer when it came to woman. Anything to get them into bed with him.
Alex rolled his eyes a little, reaching out for my hand only to stop himself and pull back. "We're heading over to Nate's, have fun." he called out as he started to shove me toward the door.
"I need my keys." I pointed out, frowning when he held them out in front of me.
"Wait a min..." he slammed the door before mom could finish, hurrying us both into the car.
"What's the big rush?" I asked as I pulled away from the house.
"He'd probably rat us out to cause problems. If we're not there than he's not tempted. I guess I can't piss him off anymore. He has something to hold over us now." he muttered with a small frown.
"I told you to stop pissing him off years ago." I said, though I couldn't help the smile that formed. Even I had to admit it was funny.
"Yeah, you say that as you smile." he said, hesitating before his hand touched mine. I looked down, staring before looking at him. Alex had turned to stare out the window though.
When I pulled up in front of Nate's house he bounced from the car and up to the front door. I trailed after him, not sure if I really wanted to be here. Nate was Alex's friend. He was okay, but I'd never had the urge to hang out with them. More so when they caused trouble. Like the driver's Ed incident. I was just glad I'd passed the test before Alex and his fucked up friends got a hold of the car.
I reached the door where Alex stood ringing the doorbell constantly. It was almost eleven so he seemed to think this was considered polite on a Sunday. "Come on Nate." he whined out.
"I don't think he's here. The car is gone." I said as I pointed to the driveway.
"He's here. His parents go to church. When he turned 13 they let him decide if he wanted to keep going or not. NATE!" he yelled out as he pressed the button faster.
The door jerked open, Nate reaching out to smack Alex's hand away from the doorbell. "If you keep pressing my button Imma throw up on you. Dick." he growled out. Nate had hidden himself behind the door to keep the sun away.
"But I like pressing your button," Alex said with a smile as he pushed his way inside. "Why're you prancing around in a sheet?" I stepped in after Alex and closed the door, raising a brow at Nate who'd draped himself in a Justice League sheet.
"Because I'm in my birthday suit and I was in a hurry to shut you up." Nate growled out.
"Someone slept on the wrong side of the vanity. Did you start your rag or something?"
"It's called a hangover. Not like you and your alcohol immune brother would know the meaning of that word."
"Hmm, can't say I do." Alex said and reached out to start tugging at the sheet. This got Nate even more pissed and they were soon on the floor fighting over the stupid sheet. I sighed and stepped over them so I wasn't trapped with my back to the door.
"Morning." I said to Misty who'd appeared at the bottom of the stairs wearing Nate's shirt from last night.
She smiled at me, reaching up to push her bed, and I'm sure something else, ruffled hair behind her ear. "Morning. You're surprisingly pleasant. I take it you finally got Alex naked?"
"I don't seem to be the only one who got lucky." I pointed out, giving her a small smile.
She flushed a little and shrugged. "Momentary lapse in judgment. Obviously." she said as she frowned down at Alex and Nate.
Alex froze, hand under Nate's chin where he'd been shoving him back. He stared at Misty a little wide eyed. "No way! I never thought Nate would actually talk you into bed." he said with a laugh, shoving Nate away from him.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Nate snapped out as he jerked the sheet away from Alex and stood.
"How'd he win you over?" Alex asked with a grin.
"He bet me that I couldn't drink more than him."
"Oh, so he got you drunk."
"I did not!" Nate snapped out before wincing and grabbing his head.
"Nope, I got him drunk to mess with him." she said with a smile. "But he got cute. Next thing I know we're making out."
"Aww." Alex said with a smile.
"I'm going to go die now." Nate muttered out as he shuffled into the living room. He hissed out with the sun hit him, throwing up the sheet like a cloak before hitting the ground and cocooning himself in his sheet.
"Alex, have I ever told you how weird your friends were?" I asked as I frowned at the unmoving sheet cocoon.

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